雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Spend with below credit cards on overseas spending to enjoy basic rewards 3 and up to 6% rebate 1 at the same time. Citi PremierMiles Card. as low as HK$3 = 1 Mile (12 Points) + up to 6%rebate1. Citi Prestige Card. HK$4 = 1 Mile (12 Points)

  2. Citi Plus Credit Card is designed with a host of powerful features. Access the features and enjoy the ease of making payments at your convenience. The cards also offer a wide range of privileges to facilitate a wholesome experience. Citi Pay with Points. Offset transaction with Points in a click. “FlexiBill” Installment Program.

  3. 眨下眼春天已經嚟到,又係換季買新衫同相約朋友聚會嘅好時候! 無論您鐘意行街買衫、約朋友食飯、喺超市網購、又或者透過電子支付嘅本地日常消費(甚至即興去內地玩嘅消費), 只要用Citi信用卡簽賬,就可專享高達5%*回贈,激賺高達HK$900!

  4. 經Citi PayAll 用信用卡繳付日常支出,例如租金、水電煤、保費、學費、電話費等等都得,仲可以賺信用卡積分/回贈。 設定埋. 每月自動付款就唔驚遲交啦! 唔使即時用手頭上嘅現金,可以長達58日先找數! 只須幾Click就輕鬆搞掂,同用網上銀行過數一樣咁簡單! Citi PayAll 可繳交之付款用途. 點用Citi PayAll繳費? 付款至銀行賬戶. 登入Citi Mobile®App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途. 選擇付款週期. 輸入付款金額及賬單付款日期. 選擇信用卡及是否憑此交易賺取積分或回贈. 選擇現有收款人或輸入新收款人之付款詳情及備註. 核對及確認交易. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 付款至指定商戶.

  5. a) 基本積分: 憑信用卡簽賬每HK$1 (或其外幣之等值)即可獲1積分; b) 網購積分: 每HK $ 1(或其外幣之等值)網上簽賬可獲額外2積分。. 網上簽賬只包括具有正式付款記錄、且根據相關信用卡組織或商戶收單機構之商戶編號或簽賬類別釐定為網上簽賬的交易 ...

  6. To be entitled to the up to 5% extra rebate on designated local spending categories of clothing, dining, online supermarket and selected digital payments (“Designated Categories”) in this Promotion (“Extra Rebate”), Registered Cardholders are required to accumulate local retail spending of HK$5,000 or above (as illustrated on the table below and...

  7. Make accumulated HK$1,000 eligible retail spend during the promotion period and pay your Salaries Tax online with your Citi Mastercard ® to enjoy the below offer! Quota is limited, register now! Register Now. Offer 2: Earn an extra up to HK$300 Spending Rebate by using Citi PayLite.