雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如您想於同一裝置以另一個賬號登入,請按「忘記密碼?」,輸入該戶口的提款卡號碼、櫃員機密碼 (持有信用卡客戶可輸入信用卡號碼、CVV2及持卡人的出生日期)。

  2. 全新Pay later 介面畀您一眼睇晒可以分期攤還嘅信用卡簽賬同賬單,想點還自己話事,找卡數都可以有Choice又Flexible! 其他功能配合您嘅理財需要 轉數入 Citi

  3. 持卡人須於推廣期內透過下列 其中一個途徑成功進行登記,以參加此推廣: (1) 經“citibank.hk/local-spend-apply”; 或 (2)於Citi Mobile® App 內之Get More登記 (「登記」) 。

  4. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you. You’ll now have greater flexibility at your fingertips, with personalized views and new features designed to be quick and hassle-free. Instant view of key account information and transactions in a few swipes.

  5. 出SIM月費計劃客戶:須選購5G SIM / 共享SIM月費計劃及簽訂24個月或以上合約期,另須繳付每月HK$28行政費。客戶另須預繳HK$100 SIM咭費用(每張),於客戶由啟用SIM咭起計用滿一個月後退回賬戶作扣除月費使用。

  6. 客戶可使用「Club積分扣減價格」功能及/或TheClub電子現金券扣減簽賬,憑Citi The Club信用卡支付之淨額簽賬金額必須不少於HK$3,000。每一筆合資格簽賬只可使用一個優惠碼。於整個推廣期内,每位合資格客戶最多可使用指定優惠碼一次。

  7. Citibank Online is now upgraded and improved to bring you a hassle-free digital banking experience. Managing your finances have never been easier, with more extensive banking features, we give you control over your finances and the ability to self-serve in real-time, at your convenience.