雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 上門二手辦公室傢俬回收 相關

  2. 創立45年,專營辦公室傢俱,並以 誠懇態度提供免費上 門度呎及繪圖服務。

  3. 提供優惠傢俬直銷及訂造,免費報價,專人上門度呎及安裝,另承接室內裝修工程。 逾30年訂造傢俬公司經驗,自置廠房,提供優惠傢俬直銷及承接室內裝修工程。


  1. MACAU. Antique Street and Cat Street are a great place to look and shop around especially if you are looking for antiques, Mao/China memorabilia, knick-knacks and other curios.

  2. LaForet is another small and trendy shopping mall/centre in the bustling area of Causeway Bay. On three floors, shoppers can find numerous trendy items and products ranging from the latest fashion, shoes and accessories to cosmetics.

  3. Below is the detailed information of the Adidas Outlet Store at the Kaiser Estate for all who still want to try their luck: Address: Adidas Factory Outlet, 1/F, Unit J, Phase II, Kaiser Estate, 51 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon (Phone: + (852) 2364 9122 and + (852) 2793 2791) Opening Hours: 9:30am – 7:30pm (Mon-Sat)

  4. 香港的市集是香港最受歡迎的旅遊景點之一。不僅僅是因為你可以在這裡買到各種各樣的商品,更重要的是市集反映出真正香港人的生活文化,是你瞭解香港本地風土人情的一個最直接的方式。. 在這裡你會看到香港最市井的一面。市集一般都有小的商店,更多的是 ...

  5. Shanghai Tang has two factory outlet stores which are both located at the Sky Plaza Hong Kong International Airport (Terminal 2).

  6. 金魚街(Goldfish Market)位於旺角太子道至旺角道之間的一段通菜街,也是香港著名的 [市集]之一。. 在這段大約300米的街道上,有超過40家的金魚小店。. 這裡主要出售各式各樣的金魚,以及和飼養金魚有關的水族用品。. 金魚向來在風水學上被認為是有利風水的 ...

  7. There are two Levi’s Factory Outlet Stores in Hong Kong. One is located at the Citygate Outlet Shopping Mall in Tung Chung and another is in Hong Kong International Airport.