雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港政府發表《香港氣候行動藍圖2050》,訂出香港長遠減碳的策略,致力爭取於2050年前實現碳中和的目標,當中包括達至淨零發電。 聯合國氣候變化大會簽訂《格拉斯哥氣候協議》,明確訂立減少煤炭用量的計劃,應對氣候變化。

  2. 中電愛跳舞 中電於2021年推出愛跳舞活動,鼓勵市民跳舞做運動,為香港注入正能量,與市民一起走過疫情陰霾。 跳舞慳電幫人 活動鼓勵社區人士參與愛跳舞活動,我們於2021年10月至2022年9月,在供電範圍14區安排多項活動,與巿民一齊共舞,並推廣節能環保,幫助有需要人士,我們會按各項活動中 ...

  3. www.clp.com.hk › en › clp-mobile-appCLP Power Mobile App

    CLP Power – eService promotion. Collect 500 Domeo Points* when you complete either one of the following tasks on the CLP Power Mobile App or website: Set up an online account ; Apply for electricity and name transfer ; and. Apply for eBill. * Terms and conditions of "First time set up an online account promotion" and "Domeo Rewards" apply.

  4. Sponsored by CLP Power, the CLP Power Low Carbon Energy Education Centre is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. The education centre is located at City University’s campus which showcases the importance of low carbon energy in addressing climate change. The centre has 5 themed zones : Climate Change and Fuel Choice. Renewable Energy. Natural Gas.

  5. www.clp.com.hk › en › clp-power-tariff-adjustment-2024CLP Power Tariff Adjustment 2024

    2024 Tariff Adjustment. CLP is set to reduce tariffs starting from 1 January 2024. The Average Net Tariff in 2024 will be 142.9 cents per unit of electricity, representing a 7.4% reduction from 154.4 cents per unit of electricity at the beginning of 2023. We will continue to allocate over HK$200 million from the CLP Community Energy Saving Fund ...

  6. 系統維護. System Maintenance. 我們現正進行系統維修。. 閣下如有查詢或需要申請服務,請致電客戶服務熱線﹕2678 2678。. 我們會盡快恢復網上服務。. 不便之處,敬請原諒。. We are currently conducting system maintenance. If you have any enquiries or requests about applications, please call our ...

  7. 中電基層家庭電費補助計劃. 中華電力於2024年透過「中電社區節能基金」撥款 5,000萬港元推出「基層家庭電費補助計劃」,向供電範圍內5萬個有需要家庭(65歲或以上的獨居或雙老長者、低收入家庭及殘疾人士)每戶提供600港元的電費資助;及向2萬個劏房住戶每 ...