雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年12月17日 · 第一次計畫到東京旅行的人,常會碰到一個最重要卻也是最單純的問題:什麼季節去東京最好?答案其實因人而異。客觀來說,春秋兩季的氣溫較為宜人,是最適合在東京四處玩樂的季節。不過,東京的四季各有各的美,或許您能找到最適合自己的季節。此外,也建議您在安排旅遊行程前,事先查詢 ...

    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Autumn
    • Winter
    • Annual Temperature and Precipitation For The Tama Area
    • Annual Temperature and Precipitation For Izu/Ogasawara Islands

    Early spring is still chilly so bring a coat or fleece to keep out the cold. By the time May comes around however, the first greens start to sprout and most days are comfortably warm enough to spend in short sleeves. Although temperatures drop in the morning and evening, the cool, fine daytime weather is perfect for outdoor activity, so it's a grea...

    June to mid-July can be a wet and humid time of year as the rainy season sweeps into Tokyo—think relentless drizzle rather than monsoon. A rain jacket could be a good idea, but not a heavy one: the thick, warm humidity can be oppressive. If you're going to be doing a lot of walking around Tokyo in the rainy season, or perhaps even hiking or camping...

    Heat exceeding 30 degrees can linger into September, and this time of year is punctuated by typhoons, meaning that travel and outdoor events can be disrupted. However, the temperature and humidity gradually drops ushering in gloriously crisp and comfortable autumn. Around late October, the leaves start to turn from green to vibrant red, yellow and ...

    The weather remains autumnal throughout most of December, with the real cold only kicking in in January. The temperature rarely drops below 0 but tends to remain between one and ten degrees. The days are short—twilight is around 4:30 p.m.—and snow is a possibility if not an inevitability. If you'll be in Tokyo in January or February, pack some swea...

    The Tama area, on the western side of the metropolis, is slightly cooler than central Tokyo. During August, Japan’s warmest month of the year, the highest temperature is 32°C on average. January is the coldest, with average highs of 10°C on average. Rainfall is as frequent as other areas of Tokyo, with precipitation even during the driest month.

    The Izu Islands stretch to the south of mainland Tokyo, with their climate getting warmer as they go. The average high temperatures of Izu Oshima, the closest island to Tokyo, are 30°C in August and 12°C in January. Hachijojima, which is further south, has average high of 31°C in August and 13°C in January. There is rain throughout the year, but Ju...

  2. 宇宙天文台澀谷. 在宇宙天文台澀谷即使不是太空人也可以看見宇宙的樣貌。. 面對17公尺的圓頂銀幕,每一次放映可以帶領120名觀眾前往太空旅行。.

  3. 2023年7月19日 · 8月的東京天氣如何? 東京在8月會變得炎熱,白天平均氣溫約27度,夜晚約23度。尤其在8月中旬至下旬氣溫更高,請準備輕便且通風的服裝。由於有可能遇到豪大雨或颱風,建議隨身攜帶折疊傘,有備無患。平均降雨量是155毫米。 8月的人氣活動與祭典

  4. 2023年10月3日 · 旅遊指南攻略 >. 東京賞楓指南. 春天粉白的櫻花令人沉醉,秋天則樹葉變色,呈現深紅、豔橘、亮黃等色彩。. 每到11月下旬,東京的銀杏樹與楓樹都會開始染上各種顏色,路上行人身著毛衣與圍巾,漫步於壯麗的景色之中。. 從維護得宜的日本庭園到險峻的山脈 ...

  5. 在購物大樓裡有一座可以看見東京絕美風景的三得利美術館,在這個美麗的現代風格空間中主要展示的是傳統的作品。. 位於中城庭園的21_21 DESIGN SIGHT由建築師安藤忠雄所設計,以探求設計與建築為主題舉辦了各種展覽。. 在位於主大樓正面的富士膠片廣場則有 ...

  6. 12月的東京天氣 如何? 12月東京的平均氣溫在白天約7.7度,夜晚為3.8度左右。尤其是上旬,雖然不像1月、2月那麼冷,但也是寒意襲人,因此一定要穿大衣。手套、圍巾與帽子並非必需,但中旬以後則建議備好。12月的東京天氣乾燥,平均降雨量為58公釐 ...

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