雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 霍震霆 - 中國香港體育協會暨奧委會主席 (0:44) 楊樹安 - 中國奥委會副主席 (3:42) 夏利萊博士 - 商界領袖及酒店業鉅子(0:37) 周松崗 - 香港鐵路有限公司行政總裁(1:51) 李國緯 - 馬主及香港賽馬會前主席李福深之子(2:52) 告東尼 - 冠軍練馬師及前冠軍騎師 (0:47 ...

  2. To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Club, The Hong Kong Jockey Club 125th Anniversary Sweepstakes which showcase the key achievements of the Club and remarkable horses over the years, will go on sale starting from 2 October 2009.

  3. 正在載入資料...

  4. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from ...

  5. 氣球巡遊,加上馬場上空的璀璨煙火匯演,為這項馬壇盛事畫上完 美的句號,馬迷盡興而歸。除了本地頂級賽駒為港爭光,同一週內,香港足球代表隊也吐氣 揚眉,在東亞運動會為港勇奪金牌。為國際賽事週掀起戰幔的國泰航空國際騎師錦標賽,於週三在跑

  6. THe Hong Kong Jockey Club Experience Shop _Dine Play Watch Mission. From 01 Feb to 30 Apr 2024 (until stock last) Activities. Dining. Rewards. Shop Details. Central, Stanley Street shop offers enhanced betting facilities, quality F&B services (Lady M and Tic Tac Room) and themed leisure activities.

  7. 博彩要有節制 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。 切勿沉迷賭博,如需尋求輔導協助,可致電平和基金熱線1834 633。 入場及投注人士須年滿十八歲,切勿沉迷賭博。