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  1. 2019年8月1日 · The city of Fukuoka (福岡市) is the capital of Fukuoka Prefecture on the northern coast of Kyushu—the most westerly of Japan's four major islands. The city is the most populous in Kyushu, and sixth most populous in Japan, with some 2.5 million people occupying the greater metropolitan area. It serves as one of the islands major centers of ...

  2. 2023年3月27日 · 许多中国人都相当喜欢牛肉料理,而日本和牛近年来更成为美味牛肉的代名词。事实上,日本和牛也只是统称,据说,日本各地进行商标登录的和牛品牌已超过150种。通常,日本和牛除了给人以肉质鲜甜柔软,价格高昂之外的印象外,你是不是对和牛知之甚少呢?但通过这篇文章,你就可以彻底明确 ...

  3. 2019年4月17日 · iDeCo accounts were created by the government to encourage individuals to save and invest their hard-earned cash for retirement. They are similar to 401k accounts in the U.S. but the contribution limits are lower—between ¥12,000 and ¥68,000 (about US$100 to $600) per month, depending on your employment status.

  4. 2017年1月26日 · 日本的传统旅馆不像我们旅行中的某个景点,它比较重视的是让人放松的安静环境。 把日本旅馆比作健康spa也很恰当。所以在入住旅馆时,一定要注重保持安静。 越是高级的旅馆,对安静程度的要求也越高。 可不要成为那个引人白眼的那位“在公共场合大声讲话”的人哦。

  5. 蘋果棒糖・りんご飴. 夏日祭典 裡另一種鮮果小吃就是蘋果棒糖了。. 在整個蘋果外圍裹上糖衣,甜甜圓圓的樣子很是討巧。. 基本算萌妹的標誌性小吃。. 不過,蘋果棒糖比較硬,吃起來難度較大,在未經指導的情況下,你或許有點不知道從哪下嘴吧。. 雖然 ...

  6. 2018年1月9日 · Here are 20 of the best date spots you can find in the city! 20. A luxurious date at The Cruise Club Tokyo. The Cruise Club Tokyo is located at the Bay of Tokyo, and is a place which offers fantastic view of the entire city. Landmarks such as the Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower can be viewed from The Cruise Club Tokyo.

  7. 2016年3月25日 · 喜欢挑战酸酸口味的童鞋们快来锁定男梅吧。. 5. 日本乳酸菌波仔糖. 日本超常见的一款乳酸菌糖果,价格超亲民,味道也是酸奶味,几乎人人都吃过。. 大家都知道乳酸菌对身体很好滴,吃这款糖的时候一边享受美味一边有益身体。. 女孩子多吃些含有乳酸菌的 ...