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  1. 另一方面中國節慶最能展現中國文化與獨一無二的地方習俗中秋節的滿月及團年飯甚有凝聚力家庭成員都趕緊回家團聚賞月端午節當然是連場的龍舟競賽而此項活動更早已躋身國際盛事的行列

  2. Terms and Conditions of 【HSBC Mooncake "Upcooking" Battle】 The promotional period for the lucky draw (the “Lucky Draw”) is from 29 September 2023 (9:00 am) to 5 October 2023 (11:59 pm) (based on Hong Kong time and as determined by the time of receipt

  3. One of the most important Chinese festivals, is Chinese New Year. This is the time when the whole city stops for a 3-day celebration, lion dances cavort through the streets, and friends and families visit each other to exchange greetings and gifts. If you are married, you might want to take part in the local custom of giving “Lai See”, or ...

  4. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings. Beware of apps from sources other than your phone’s official app stores which may contain malware. From ...

  5. 讚好並成為滙豐香港Facebook專頁粉絲或追蹤滙豐香港Instagram專頁;及. 根據本行Facebook或Instagram專頁上之【滙豐惜食 - 月餅再世廚藝大會】的帖文指示留言。. 如參加者於整個抽獎活動舉行日期期間未能符合以上任何一項條件(即使參加時符合),均會被取消資格 ...

  6. 此抽獎活動(「抽獎活動」)的推廣期為 2022年12月1日至2023年1月31日(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」)。. 本抽獎活動由香港特別行政區(「香港」)的香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司及其繼承人及受讓人(「滙豐」或「本行」)提供。. 本抽獎活動只適用於 ...

  7. 下次網購時記得使用滙豐信用卡並賺取「獎賞錢」。. 您更可於滙豐Reward+ 應用程式內以「獎賞錢」繳付賬單。. 申請滙豐信用卡,再為家人申請附屬卡;集中消費,於各簽賬類別盡享各種優惠,賺取更多「獎賞錢」!. 須受條款及細則約束。. 借定唔借?.

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