雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Branksome Grande 位於港島 中半山 (美聯分區) 地利根德里3號,發展商為嘉里建設,於1976年7月開始落成,由1座樓宇組成,共有94個單位。. 屋苑內設有會所、泳池、兒童設施、娛樂設施、餐飲設施、美容/保健,小學校網在11區,中學校區在中西區。.

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  2. A professional team of property agents in Hong Kong. We provide personalized services that best-fit your needs. Reach out to our agents now! Members and Jointly-Owned Entities of Midland Holdings Midland Realty Legend Upstar Holdings Midland IC&I Mainland

  3. Southland | New Property | Midland Realty. VR. Video. Photo. 1/4. ‌. 【新盤追擊】晉環搶佔黃竹坑站頭啖湯. 市場期待已久的港鐵黃竹坑站首個上蓋物業終於登場,由港鐵、路勁... ‌. 晉環新推80伙價單 折實售價由886萬元起. 市區鐵路上蓋新盤重啟銷售工作,路勁地產等合作發展的香港仔黃竹... ‌. 鴨脷洲逸南首推50伙 入場費427萬起. 港島新盤連環登場。 恒基物業代理營業 (二)部總經理韓家輝表示,... 晉環. Current. Southland. location. 11 Heung Yip Road, Aberdeen & Ap Lei Chau.

  4. location. 20 Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley. Floor Plan. Site Plan. Last 30 days Trans. For Sale. For Rent. - 5 Units. 1 Units. Avg. Trans. Price/ft² (Last 30 days) MoM. $22,054/ft² (SFA) - Price/ft² by listing. Lowest. Highest. $27,611/ft² (SFA) $23,194. $34,226. No. of Block (s) 1 Block 126 Units. Date of Occupation Permit. 05/07/2011. Facilities.

  5. The Grand Panorama is located at 10 Robinson Road, Mid-Levels West, Hong Kong Island. the Occupation date starts from August 1992. It consists of 5 buildings with a total of 558 residential units. There are Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Kids' Facilities, Sports Facilities, Entertainment Facilities, Health & Beauty in The Grand Panorama.

  6. 171個. 平均成交呎價 (過去30日成交) 實 $22,939/呎. 較上月. +11.88% 平均放盤呎價. 實 $23,295/呎. 最低. $9,695. 最高. $86,618. 區內住宅單位數量. (單位數量於130區排行56位) 12,534. 過去12個月成交宗數. 147宗. 空氣質素健康指數. 每月平均值 (3月) 4. 物業數據. 載入失敗,請重新再試一遍. 我要放盤. 跑馬地 - 美聯物業地區百科展示跑馬地樓盤資訊,屋苑位置、設施、交通、單位呎數、平面圖等詳盡資料,一覽無遺。

  7. Full digital journey, fill in your properties information and it will be uploaded to Midland online platform and enjoy millions of impressions. *List the minimum price or minimum discount price for the development according to all price lists. ^Units, for sale , sold count and discounted price is inputted and produced by 28Hse editorial department.