雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. During the internship, you will have the opportunity to explore topics of interest based on your career development aspirations, including Green Governance, Social Development, Financial Inclusion/Green Finance, Technology Innovation, Green Operations and Risk Management. Internship Period. 24 June 2024 – 16 August 2024 (8 weeks)

  2. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.

  3. BOCHK Challenge 2023 - 主頁. ` 中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023. 圓滿成功. 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023」已經圓滿結束,比賽競爭非常熱烈。 10隊成功入圍決賽隊伍角逐9個獎項,合共港幣55萬元獎金。 「中銀香港創新先驅大賽2023」評審團隊及嘉賓為賽事提供寶貴意見及協助,並與各隊伍在閉幕儀式上大合照。 GingTech. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽 2023. 傑出表現至尊大獎. Butterfly Labs. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽 2023. 創新設計金獎. Oxbridge Economics. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽 2023. 創新設計銀獎. ESGo. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽 2023. 創新設計銅獎. 5Wonders. 中銀香港創新先驅大賽 2023.

  4. A wise investment not only starts with aptitude, but also with proficiency in investment techniques. Besides providing the Internet Virtual Securities Investment Platform, BOCHK is now pleased to launch the Mobile Virtual Securities Investment Platform . You can conduct Hong Kong stocks and China A shares simulated trading through the platforms ...

  5. BOCHK provides payment services to corporate customers through FPS, which allows you to easily manage your HKD or CNY fund transfers to beneficiary accounts with other banks/financial institutions in Hong Kong via internet banking anytime, anywhere.

  6. 管理人員綜合保障計劃. 為管理級人員客戶提供全面人身意外保障、全年旅遊及高爾夫球保障。. 客戶再無須顧慮一旦遇上意外而為家人帶來財務負擔,可專注發展業務。. 條款及細則 :. 本計劃由中銀集團保險有限公司 (「中銀集團保險」)承保 ...

  7. Borrow only if you can repay! Application Hotline +852 2105 8288. Remarks: For details of the "SME Financing Guarantee Scheme", please visit the website of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (“HKMC”) at www.hkmc.com.hk or contact Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOCHK). The application period of the 80% Guarantee Product, the 90% ...

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