雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 課程編號 AS114111. 本課程旨在向學生提供有關職業安全、緊急應變、安全科學等學術知識和專業技能。. 培訓學生對職業安全和健康監測、意外調查、風險評估、急救學、戶外安全技術、潛水安全等專業技能及督導技巧。. 此課程適合有志於安全科學領域發展之 ...

  2. Programme code AS114111. The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive coverage of trade specific knowledge and practical skills in the area of occupational safety and emergency operations. It helps students to develop professional competence and supervisory skills for occupational safety & health monitoring, accident investigation ...

  3. VTC與香港青年協會於5至6月期間舉辦「停一停…聽聽子女的心聲」家長講座系列,兩場講座分別邀得升學輔導專家曾志滔先生剖析「DSE全方位升學資訊及數據」、香港中長跑運動員及運動教練陳家豪先生分享「如何規劃個人發展方向及家庭支援的重要性」,以及專家分享「家庭正向溝通技巧及抗壓 ...

  4. I would like to thank the dedicated YCI team for making a change to my son. Parent of Jeffrey Luk. AY1819 Engineering Programme (Year 1) Heartfelt thanks to the professional and dedicated YCI teaching team for discovering the full potential of these young people. Teachers have been guiding students with love, making them shine and nurturing ...

  5. www.vtc.edu.hk › hosts › uploads學生交流活動

    交流感言: 「能夠帶領一班來自日本的學生,參觀香港的名勝及景點,實在很有挑戰性,而且過程十分有趣, 實在是一個難得的學習機會! 」 「很有趣! 這真是個很好的交流活動,我們可以將香港的特點介紹給日本的同學, 學習之餘又可 以了解不同的文化, 真 ...

  6. 本課程旨在培訓學生將來成為擁有「航空器維修執照B1.1航空機械專業 或 B2*航空電子專業」資格的飛機維修工程師或技術員,從而滿足香港、中國或亞洲區內不斷增長中的航空業之人力需求。 IVE(青衣)是香港民航處核准之飛機維修訓練機構。

  7. VPET Stories of Impact. The first publicly-funded post-secondary technical institution, the Government Trade School, was established in Wood Road, Wan Chai, in 1936. The Red Brick House, home of the school, was refurbished and incorporated into the Annex Building of the Morrison Hill Technical Institute at a later date.

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