雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐One 撐起每個Legend 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰。放膽做自己,legend就係你!為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個legendary嘅你。

  2. One of the most important Chinese festivals, is Chinese New Year. This is the time when the whole city stops for a 3-day celebration, lion dances cavort through the streets, and friends and families visit each other to exchange greetings and gifts. If you are married, you might want to take part in the local custom of giving “Lai See”, or ...

  3. Japan The top choice for many locals, like their second home, attracts Hong Kong people all year round for shopping, dining, sightseeing, skiing, hot springing and so much more. China Just moments away, all the sights and cities of the Greater Bay Area are easily ...

  4. 參考例子一 兩個小孩之父 Jason(四十歲). 姓名 :Jason. 年齡 :40歲. 職業 :物流公司高級業務發展經理. 家庭狀況 :結婚5年,與現為家庭主婦的妻子Helen育有4歲的兒子和2歲的女兒. 目標 :希望能為孩子未來做好準備,期望於60歲退休. 每月收支.

  5. To reward you for your journey into space, you will also get a special discount for HSBC Life selected product. All systems go! Note: The Retirement Predictor will not store or disclose your personal information. Calculations are made based on certain assumptions, including data provided by the participant. The Retirement Predictor is a game.

  6. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › promo › spending-instalment-planHSBC Spending Instalment Plan

    Our Spending Instalment Plan lets you convert multiple credit card transactions into instalments you can repay over 6 to 60 months. Make repayments flexibly over 6 to 60 months. Combine multiple credit card transactions into a single instalment plan [@cards-promotionofspendinginstalment] See your application status instantly [@usinghshcappapply ...

  7. 香港人无时无刻都在计划旅游行程,又或者正值旅行途中。 旅游资讯排山倒海地出现,周刊、电视、网络分享等随处可见,五花八门的种种优惠更令人蠢蠢欲动,节省旅费又能尽情遨游,让人想立即出发。 本地人喜欢旅游,更会将自己的有薪假期安排在公众假期前后,务求可以一气呵成,来一趟 ...