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  1. 今天就來看看時下日本最多人用的幾個交友APP各有什麼樣的特色吧Tinder直覺性滑動的快速配對聊天軟體 https://www.facebook.com/tinder/photos/a.356253897777735.80422.353659601370498/1438091242927323/?type=3&theater

  2. 2023年5月17日 · 1. Pairs. iOS - Android. Pairs claims to be Japan’s #1 dating app for serious and casual romance, and boasts more than 13,000 “love connections” every month (whatever that means).

  3. 2017年10月16日 · Dating Apps. We're going to assume you all know what these are and how they work. Many in their twenties and thirties nowadays are using dating apps and websites to find love, especially as they are generally free of charge. Tinder and OkCupid work fine in Japan, plus some local ones like Pairs and Matchbook. Thanks to your smartphone, love is ...

  4. 「在港日交流會中認識了香港男友」日本T小姐說。 「在朋友辦的相親酒會 (合コン)遇到現在的男友」香港L小姐說。 沒想到大家不約而同的說類似結交朋友的方法。 的確,參加正規團體所舉辦的交流會,或是透過朋友的介紹確實是最快也是最安全的方法了! 然而在日本已經流行好一陣子的 交友軟體App ,也是在異國認識另一半的好方式,大家不妨也可以碰碰運氣,當然前提是你必須要有足夠的日文溝通能力。 對日本男生的印象. 大家都很有興趣知道女生們到底是怎樣看日本男生吧? 無論是L小姐還是T小姐都不約而同說日本男生很會打扮表面且很有禮貌,但內在也實在是非常大男人主義,此外生男比生女好的傳統思想至今仍普遍留在日本男人心裡。

  5. 2017年12月11日 · Dating apps are getting more popular Japan, as it gives people easier access to find dates and meet new people. Just like everything else in Japan, there's lots of jargon hiding the true meaning. Here are some common terms we've decoded for you. What Brings You Here? — 募集. 募集, pronounced boshu, means recruiting, or, in this case ...

  6. 2022年3月23日 · In this 3D avatar-based social networking app, you can create your own custom character, or take a selfie and let the app create one for you, and dress up and join a virtual world. You can invite your friends to join the virtual ZEPETO community and hang out in private rooms, which include Japanese gardens, beaches, castles, and even underground subway stations.

  7. 大家到日本旅遊時都是怎麼上網的呢?. 申請網路漫遊?. 租wifi機器?. 購買SIM卡?. 以上這些都是常見方式,但都需要付費,而今天小編就來和大家分享三款在日本旅遊中不可或缺的三款免費sim卡「Japan Welcome SIM」、「WAmazing SIM」與「Trip Free」,只要在出發前 ...

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