雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. [5月9日] 滙豐每月專訊: 儘管減息或會延後,風險資產仍獲得盈利支持. 隨著美國通脹持續與聯儲局取態轉趨鷹派,市場正在預測當局或會延後減息及放緩相關步伐,我們繼續... [5月2日] 專題影片:與《金融時報》一起解鎖投資趨勢. 準備好與我們的首席投資總監開啓一段富有洞見的旅程,他們將深入探討多個影響金融市場的關鍵議題... [3月26日] 投資展望:滙豐投資展望 2024年第二季度. 踏入今年第二季,聯儲局減息在即,市場對減息的時間與幅度均有更實際的預期。 此外,美國的盈利... [3月15日] 緊貼外匯市場走勢. 外匯前瞻:美元兌日圓:有干預跡象? 日圓強勁反彈引發外匯干預猜測。 [5月6日] 每日外匯快訊.

  2. HSBC HK. Investments. Products. Structured Products. Equity-linked Investments. Important risk warning. What is an equity-linked investment? An equity-linked investment (ELI) could help you capture potential wealth opportunities even when the market is volatile or stagnant.

  3. 香港滙豐流動理財應用程式(HSBC HK App)隨時隨地滿足您的日常理財需要,讓您以一系列實用功能及服務,盡享前所未有的輕鬆理財體驗。 如您使用非預載Google Play的Android設備, 請按此了解如何下載香港滙豐流動理財應用程式」 。 簡易版. 切合您所需的簡單易用介面、基本功能以及更完善的在線通訊和熱線服務,日常理財自然更得心應手. 個人化流動理財體驗. 按您的偏好自定快速連結及戶口概覽,並隱藏戶口結存以使您的私隱更獲保障。 流動保安編碼. 毋須再攜帶實體保安編碼器,程式內置的「流動保安編碼」即可讓您輕鬆安全登入流動及網上理財。 推播通知. 別再錯過重要資訊! 啟用您希望收到的推播通知3,即時接收專屬優惠,戶口狀況及繳費提示等最新消息。 主要功能. 手機即時開戶.

  4. HSBC HK. Wealth Management. Legacy. Mapping your legacy journey. The beauty of legacy planning. Scenario : Mr. and Mrs. Chan’s total estate assets worth HK$20 million with HK$8 million as their business. They would like to enjoy the retirement and ensure their children receive an equal share of their estate after they pass away.

  5. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the Member’s election. The accrued benefits can be paid in such form and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may, to the extent ...

  6. HSBC Reward+ is an all-in-one platform dedicated to HSBC credit cards in Hong Kong. It brings thoughtfully-designed tools at your fingertips: Use your RewardCash (RC) Pay your credit card bills with RC. Settle your card statement or any of your purchases by RC with just a click. Details > Convert RC into miles or other travel privileges.

  7. With the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app (HSBC HK App), you can manage your everyday banking needs anytime, anywhere. Discover a wide range of features and services on the app, and experience an ease of use like never before. No Google Play on your Android device? Find out how to install the HSBC HK App. Lite Mode.

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