雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 风星空月,四种自然景致代表着客房四种不同的装潢风格,可供您任意选择。汇集自然之灵气,20个房间分成四层,每层都有其独特的空间。 走下五层大厅,穿过回廊,四楼是”风“主题客房,房间内可见望穿山谷的壮绝景致,三楼为”星“主题客房,触手可及来自厘岛的异饰品。

  2. 2022年12月16日 · ©PIXTA. 海拔僅有 580 公尺的大室山屬於豆東武火山群,是一座曾有過火山活動紀錄、目前休眠狀態中的休火山,最後一次火山爆發約為 4,000 年前,最大的特色就是宛如倒碗狀的火山口,前面提到的仙人掌動物公園也是大室山火山爆發後、熔岩途經之地。 旅客可搭乘登山纜車,僅需短短 6 分鐘即可抵達山頂,沿著步道在火山口繞行一圈,北面可以遠眺富士山、箱根、一碧湖、小室山、相模灣,南面則可一覽 2,700 年前曾爆發的雄山、矢筈山、孔ノ山及曾為火山熔岩湖的池盆地等。 ©PIXTA.

  3. 2019年1月23日 · Known locally as Iriomotejima, this remote Okinawan island is almost entirely covered in virgin subtropical forest and mangrove trees, and is often called “Japan’s last secluded island.” Iriomote is also home to rare plants and animals, such as the Iriomote wildcat, and possesses a singular charm all its own.

  4. 要說紅葉最美的地方,那絕不能錯過高海拔的山岳地帶;而說起能夠代表日本的山岳紅葉絕景,那就非「涸澤」屬了。 這些生長在險峻且無機質的岩壁上的花楸和樺樹的紅葉,所形成的環山群抱楓紅美景不僅適合IG打卡,加上畢竟深山中的氣候不好掌握,登上 ...

  5. 2016年8月29日 · One of today’s most popular kabuki stars, Ebizo Ichikawa XI, is keen to change the mystery behind the lifestyle of kabuki actors by letting the world share his dressing room, follow his daily routine, and even peek inside his family home. 37-year-old Ebizo is a bit of ...

  6. 2017年12月28日 · Boys Love Manga and Beyond: History, Culture, and Community in Japan, edited by Mark McLelland, Kazumi Nagaike, Katsuhiko Suganuma, James Welker (2015) Male-Male Romance by and for Women in Japan: A History and the Subgenres of "Yaoi" Fictions, published by Akiko Mizoguchi in U.S.-Japan Women's Journal, No. 25 (2003)

  7. 2017年1月1日 · The Real Spirited Away Onsen. Michael Kanert Updated January 1, 2017. Onsen Ryokan Ghibli Japanese Countryside Resorts Historical Shops Gunma. www.facebook.com. Remember the red bridge and layered, rising walls of Yubaba’s hot spring hotel in Spirited Away? They’re actually based on the Sekizenkan Ryokan in northwestern Gunma Prefecture.

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