雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 低升糖指數食物表 相關

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  1. goodness gracious. (my) goodness. oh my goodness. goodness! my goodness. goodness gracious me. oh my goodness gracious. Pete. for goodness' sake.

  2. The collection includes idioms, slang terms, phrasal verbs, proverbs, clichés, regionalisms, colloquialisms, expressions, sayings, abbreviations, and more. Along with the idiom definitions, you'll find thousands of example sentences illustrating how the idioms are used by native speakers in everyday speech. Plus, get details about the origin ...

  3. low-hanging fruit. 1. That which is especially easy to obtain or achieve. Often implies something that is perhaps not as satisfying as that which takes more effort or skill to obtain or do. Jokes about the president's peculiar way of speaking are pretty low-hanging fruit, if you ask me. It was low-hanging fruit, but a first-round victory is ...

  4. dive into. v. 1. To plunge one's body into something: The swimmer dived into the pool. 2. To start doing something enthusiastically: The class dived into the science experiment. 3. To start eating or drinking something eagerly: The hungry children dove into the pizza. See also: dive.

  5. there's nothing like (something) Something is exceptionally enjoyable; this is one of my favorite things to do or experience. I tell you, after a long, hard day of work, there's nothing like throwing your feet up onto the couch and sipping a hot mug of tea. I know some people don't like being up early, but for me, there's nothing like seeing ...

  6. Said when a son shows similarities to his father in mannerisms, interests, behavior, etc. Tommy's headstrong and impatient—like father, like son. A: "My only interest is in making money." Prov. Fathers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend to do what their fathers did before them. ...

  7. lose it. 1. To lose control of one's emotions, especially by becoming angry or upset. Mom is going to lose it when she gets home and finds out that we broke her vase. When I saw that last scene, I just lost it. It was so sad! 2. To lose an ability, skill, or quality that one previously had.

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