雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 眾所周知,日本的公司職員有一種酒文化,就是同事們下班之後去居酒屋喝酒談心。在日本,一年四季還有定期的聚會,特別是從年末開始的忘年會、新年會.....,到了3月有送別會,4月則有迎新會。2020剛開完新年會,日本就籠罩在新冠肺炎感染擴散的陰影下,各種大型活動都停辦了。

  2. 2016年4月11日 · One student well-known for giving the teachers a hard time would sit in my class grumbling, “I hate Jessica” in Japanese while her friend tried to convince her of my virtues. I won her over in the end, though. It’s not all craziness, of course. From the shy students who would talk to me after class to practice English or get my thoughts ...

  3. 這首歌不算是一般的JPOP歌曲,它是一首在音樂教科書中可以找到的合唱歌曲,是1991年埼玉縣秩父市影森中學的校長和音樂教師一起創作的。 就連我畢業的時候班級也合唱了這首歌,唱哭了很多同學。想起那些過去的日子,學校和朋友就是我世界的全部,無論好的還是壞的部分,我都不會忘記。

  4. 2019年1月23日 · Three young girls were among the statesmen and students sent to find ways to modernize Japan. The empress of Japan set them the task to bring back the methods needed to jumpstart women’s education in Japan. The youngest, Umeko Tsuda, was just six years old at the time. For Janice Nimura this episode encapsulates the topsy-turvy nature of the ...

  5. 2016年4月7日 · We also tour the school kitchen, where five staff prepare 720 meals from scratch, using potatoes the grade 6 students raised in the school farm. Lunch today consists of fried fish with pear sauce, vegetable soup and mashed potatoes. While this school prepares all of its own lunches, in some areas larger schools will act as suppliers and ...

  6. 美食 & 饮品 日本初体验. 大家好,我是《惊奇日本》的KINI,来自台湾。. 许多观光客以及留学生,到了京都,都会想嚐试体验做做日本和菓子。. 而京都的超有名“生八桥饼”,当然也成为炙手可热的体验对象囉!. 说实话,我来到日本今年已经是第8年,还没有 ...

  7. 2016年4月12日 · Below we outline six things that might surprise you in Japanese public schools, from the interesting to the practical—to the downright shocking! 6. Classrooms Aren't Heated or Cooled. Almost all Japanese classrooms are identical: big chalkboard at the front (yup, chalk!), smaller chalkboard at the back, windows to the hallway on the right ...

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