雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Standard Chartered incorporated its Hong Kong business on 1 July 2004, and now operates as a licensed bank in Hong Kong under the name of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC. Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group, with a presence in 53 of the world’s most ...

  2. 2024年5月7日 · 渣打財富管理透過SC Mobile為您帶來全新網上基金投資平台,讓您輕鬆管理基金。 最低認購額為1000港元。 為何選用網上基金投資. 網上基金投資. 透過網上理財及SC Mobile 買賣及轉換基金. 盡覽基金建議. 按基金類別瀏覽﹕. 1)Fund Select. 2)與您類似的投資者熱門之選. 3)最佳表現基金. 4)高息基金. 為您篩選優質基金. 渣打Fund Select每月更新,為您從數百隻基金中嚴選約40隻優質基金. 一切盡在掌控之中. 輕易搜尋、瀏覽及管理您的基金投資組合. 渣打,令認購基金更簡單. 步驟1. 登入 SC Mobile. 步驟2. 點擊目錄,選擇「基金投資」 步驟3. 搜尋欲認購的基金. 步驟4. 輸入認購金額及選擇結算戶口. 步驟5. 進行適合性評估.

  3. 2024年4月19日 · We are now Neutral Developed Markets (DM) Investment Grade (IG) government bonds. A higher likelihood of US soft-landing has prompted us to reduce our Fed rate cut expectation this year to 75bps. We expect the US 10-year government bond yield to stay within a 4.00-4.25% over the next 3 months, but now expect a relatively more muted move to 3.75-4.00% over the next 12 months.

  4. 2023年5月17日 · 渣打網上理財 輕鬆管理戶口及進行交易. 如何登記網上理財? 忘記您的用戶名稱或密碼? 您可以透過重新登記 重設 用戶名稱及密碼。 按此 觀看登記網上理財示範。 步驟1. 於sc.com/hk/zh/ 的右上角按「登入」再按 「渣打網上理財」。 步驟2. 在「個人銀行客戶」或「信用卡客戶」下按「登記」。 步驟3. 個人銀行客戶. 憑提款卡登記. 輸入您的 提款卡號碼 及 櫃員機密碼. 或 憑電話理財卡登記. 輸入您的 電話理財號碼 及 電子理財私人密碼 。 信用卡客戶. 輸入您的 信用卡號碼 、 有效期限 、 出生日期 及 香港身份證號碼 。 步驟4. 確認您在本行登記的手提電話號碼,您的手機會收取一次有效密碼的短訊。 步驟5. 輸入您的一次有效密碼。 步驟6. 設定您的用戶名稱及密碼。

  5. 2024年4月26日 · We are now Neutral Developed Markets (DM) Investment Grade (IG) government bonds. A higher likelihood of US soft-landing has prompted us to reduce our Fed rate cut expectation this year to 75bps. We expect the US 10-year government bond yield to stay within a 4.00-4.25% over the next 3 months, but now expect a relatively more muted move to 3.75-4.00% over the next 12 months.

  6. Mutual Recognition of Funds (MRF) between mainland China and Hong Kong is a scheme jointly launched by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). Under the scheme, eligible Mainland and Hong Kong funds can be distributed in each other’s market through a streamlined vetting process.

  7. We are now Neutral Developed Markets (DM) Investment Grade (IG) government bonds. A higher likelihood of US soft-landing has prompted us to reduce our Fed rate cut expectation this year to 75bps. We expect the US 10-year government bond yield to stay within a 4.00-4.25% over the next 3 months, but now expect a relatively more muted move to 3.75-4.00% over the next 12 months.