雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 有的獨特音樂之旅。我們期望透過此活動將珍貴的傳統敦煌文化傳承下去,同時 促進中外文化藝術交流。」 此外,中銀香港亦開設了 4 場教育專場參觀,透過慈善機構特別邀請了來自19 間學校的中、小學生、教師、校長、家長等155 人,並貼心安排專車接送

  2. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  3. 莊世平自創辦南商起即出任董事長兼總經理,並歷任中國銀行港澳管理處副主任華僑商業銀行常務董事集友銀行副董事長僑光置業有限公司董事長,退休之後還榮任南商名譽董事長和中國銀行名譽副董事長。 莊世平還歷任第二至第六屆全國人大代表,第六屆全國人大華僑委員會委員,第七、八、九屆全國政協常委。 2007 年4月,浦東中學為紀念校友莊世平,將新建體育館命名為「世平樓」。 投身抗日救亡運動. 1931年,「九一八」事變後,莊世平受到愛國思想的影響,參加了愛國抗日運動。 大學畢業後,他南渡泰國,先後擔任新民中學副校長和中華總商會創辦的中華中學訓育主任,後獲聘為《中原日報》編輯,同時,還在中華總商會和潮州會館兩大社團工作。

  4. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  5. Experience Sharing. Attitude and Problem Solving Competencies are the Key Successful Factors. Being optimistic towards China’s growth potential, I have decided to join BOCHK’s Graduate Programme (was called the “Officer Trainee Programme”) when I graduated. With two years’ hard work, I was nominated to join the Management Trainee ...

  6. 財智學院. 想自助理財但又無從入手?. 「財智學院」透過深入淺出的教學及資訊,包括短片、生活化例子及小故事,讓您可以一站式的獲得投資及保障的基本知識,幫助理財新手建立更全面正確的理財概念。.

  7. Finance Academy. Want to manage your wealth by yourself but no way to begin with? Finance Academy provides you with easy-understanding information, including videos, life examples and stories that helps you to obtain basic knowledge of investment and insurance, and build up the concept of wealth management.

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