雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) Science Objectives • Reduce forecast guidance errors, including during RI, by 50% from 2017; • Produce 7-day forecast guidance as good as the 5-day forecast guidance in 2017; • Improve guidance on pre

  2. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 3 Operational HWRF (Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast) System Based on WRF-NMM dynamic core Triple-nested domains at horizontal resolutions of 13.5/4.5/1.5 km

  3. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  4. Category 3: moving westward or northwestward after passing through mid-Taiwan (12.73% of total). Category 4: moving westward or northwestward after passing through southern Taiwan (9.61% of total). Category 5: moving westward or northwestward after passing through Taiwan's southern sea region (18.18% of total).

  5. 3 編號 受考核機關(構)或單 位名稱 優點及建議改進事項摘要 傳播效果與經營策略上,仍有斟酌空間。 2 氣象預報中心 優點: 1. 隨時引進最新科技與國際無縫接軌,使氣象預報技術與世界先進國家並駕齊 驅。 2. 跨單位、跨領域及國際交流等活動規劃完善且落實執行,對推動氣象資料運用

  6. 中央政府前瞻基礎建設計畫第2期特別預算 中央氣象局 資本資產變動表 中華民國108年01月01日至108年12月31日 單位:新臺幣元 增加數 (3) 減少數 (4) 長期投資 0 0 0 0 0 0 土地 0 0 0 0 0 0 土地改良物 0 0 0 0 0 0 房屋建築及設備 0 0 0 0 0 0 機械及設備 33,562,447 ...

  7. PRESS RELEASE Contact: Kuo-Chen Lu Director Weather Forecast Center Central Weather Bureau (02)2349-1200, 0916127916 Come Spring, Rainfall Is Expected to Be Near to Below Normal and Temperature Above Normal Taipei, Taiwan—February

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