雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 京都古稱「平安京」,從公元9世紀桓武天皇起,日本就建都在此,直到19世紀後期明治天皇遷都至東京,這一千多年的時間裡,京都一直都是日本重要的政治、經濟、文化中心,素有「千年古都」的美稱。然而想要熟門熟路穿梭在京都這座千年古都,其實一點都不困難!只要把握幾條主要幹道和了解 ...

  2. 2016年4月12日 · Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect. People have been at this for a while, so fortunately there's a wealth of helpful information right at your fingertips: from where to buy groceries to how to manage unruly middle school students.

  3. 2017年12月23日 · Japan switched from the Chinese lunisolar calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1873, but the country still retains quite a few Chinese traditions for celebrating the New Year, including giving children pocket money, or otoshidama. The envelopes, called otoshidama-bukuro or pochi-bukuro, are fun in themselves! 5. New Year's Symbols.

  4. 2017年9月8日 · This new English textbook will help your students talk about the Illuminati, alien abductions and more!

  5. 2018年11月9日 · Sayano Yudokoro is, by name and by nature, the onsen most representative of Tokyo’s 23 wards, and is perfect for a day trip. Saya refers to the ancient kanji, 清, essentially meaning "clear" or "pure." That meaning is reflected in the wonderfully fresh water that flows into the baths. Many people are already in the know when it comes to the ...

  6. 2016年4月7日 · Address: Umihotaru Parking Area, Nakajimachisaki, Kisarazu Umihotaru, Chiba, 292-0071. - Access from Tokyo by train and bus. There is a couple of shuttle bus at Kawasaki Station. - Access from Tokyo by car. Use Shuto Expressway to Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line (40 min.) I’m an English educator and part-time writer who has spent half his life in Japan.

  7. 2019年8月1日 · The city of Fukuoka (福岡市) is the capital of Fukuoka Prefecture on the northern coast of Kyushu—the most westerly of Japan's four major islands. The city is the most populous in Kyushu, and sixth most populous in Japan, with some 2.5 million people occupying the greater metropolitan area. It serves as one of the islands major centers of ...