雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主頁 > 工作機會 > 薪酬福利 > 重視員工身心健康. 重視員工身心健康. 醫療保障:員工及其家屬可享有中、西醫門診及住院保障,亦享有物理治療、脊醫、跌打、針灸、專科、分娩保障及牙醫等醫療福利。 同時,我們亦定期安排員工進行免費的身體檢查及舉辦健康講座. 有薪假期:員工可享用年度休假、婚假、產假、侍產假、關愛假、病假、社會服務假及生日假等有薪假期. 設有飯堂或提供午膳津貼:員工可於飯堂用膳或領取午膳津貼. 列印.

  2. 中銀香港為您提供創新、專業及全面的金融服務,助您創富增值,致力成為您的最佳銀行。

  3. 工作機會. 中銀香港為您提供充滿挑戰和回報理想的工作環境,讓您在事業上盡展所長。 我們誠邀各類人才加入我們的團隊。 更多. 職位空缺. 更多. 校園招聘. 更多. 人才培訓及發展. 更多. 薪酬福利. 更多. 員工活動.

  4. Career. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is committed to building a challenging and rewarding work place for employees. We aim to be your partner in your career advancement and believe that the Bank will grow through the development of staff competence. If you are looking for a dynamic and challenging career, join us now!

  5. 中银香港为您提供创新、专业及全面的金融服务,助您创富增值,致力成为您的最佳银行。

  6. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  7. We Care for You. Healthcare Plans: The Healthcare plans include out-patient medical consultation at general medical practitioners and Chinese herbalists and hospitalisation protection for our staff and their immediate family members. Our extended healthcare also covers treatments and therapies by physiotherapists, chiropractors, bonesetters ...

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