雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 財務中介陷阱注意! 「借錢梗要還咪俾錢中介這句忠告會於各財務機構廣告上看到全因不良財務中介往往借口協助申請私人貸款最後卻追收高昂手續費顧問費服務費等費用想面對危急周轉時刻能夠成功收取全部已批核貸款就要認清財務中介與正規財務公司的分別以及了解如何避免墮入中介陷阱。 「財務中介是甚麼? 財務中介並非真正的財務公司,而是通過代理申請低息貸款,向財務機構換取相應手續費的第三方角色。 而不良財務中介公司,就會藉口提供財務評估或代辦私人貸款,向申請者收取中介費用,甚至誘騙他們於其他財務公司一再申請貸款「債冚債」,並簽下合約獲取多次收費,其中急需借錢套現或信貸紀錄欠佳人士更特別容易成為目標。 不良財務中介慣用手法.

  2. 在申請信用卡或者借貸的時候有沒有聽過個人信貸評級其實個人信貸評級都會影響生活很多方面例如借貸就業甚至移民但您又真的了解個人信貸評級到底是甚麼嗎假如個人信貸評級評分過低又應該如何改善

  3. Applicant must provide the following information: Information on HKID card, Residency information (e.g. phone number, address, etc.), Job information (e.g. company phone number, address, etc.), and Following documents are also required: Hong Kong ID card Bank

  4. 認清正規財務公司與財務中介的分別,教您如何避免墮入中介陷阱 。 立即進行私人貸款比較! 借錢都要識得揀!認識一般私人貸款及私人循環貸款的分別,再選擇適合自己的借貸產品。 即批私人貸款與一般貸款大不同 ...

  5. The personal loan plans of Promise offer annual percentage rates as low as 1.12% without a handling fee, which is flexible to the different needs of consumers. Finally, applicants should only sign contracts with a clear understanding of the contract details. If we can make a better use of a personal loan, it will be more flexible when we are in ...

  6. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

  7. Common Misconceptions about Loans Some people think that they are not eligible to apply for a loan with credit card debt or an existing loan, but that is not the case! As long as you have a good repayment record and credit score, you can still get a loan approved.

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