雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年2月18日 · Purify Body & Mind with Waterfall Training. Japan has a rich and complex spiritual history, and even today Shintoism plays an important role in the country's cultural identity. There are many time-honored traditional practices—like meditation and other ascetic practices—handed down by priests and monks, many of which can be beneficial to ...

  2. 2015年11月16日 · You'll hear these words quite often in Japan, and even use them yourself once you get accustomed to them. They're all variants on the idea of "any (something)." 1. Itsudemo (いつでも) = Anytime 2. Nandemo (なんでも) = Whatever, anything 3. Dokodemo (どこでも) = Wherever, anywhere ...

  3. 2017年12月28日 · Work Out & Rock Out to Anime Tunes. Each episode of Anison Fitness clocks in at just five minutes, airing from 10:35 to 10:40 on Wednesday nights, and showcases a different aerobics-style exercise routine, to be performed in conjunction with a famous anime theme song. The show’s producers have even been generous enough to start sharing some ...

  4. 從全國各地而來的各個戰隊,不僅代表各自的家鄉,並且幾乎所有觀眾都支援代表自己家鄉的戰隊。. 比賽開始之前,入口處甚至排起長龍。. 特別是支援席的阿爾卑斯看台,每次比賽,坐席都會輪換一次。. 1. 2. 甲子園是一年一度使全日本都沸騰起來的高校野球 ...

  5. 商品特性:. ★通過按摩來促進血液循環,使滋潤成分不僅能滲透到手部皮膚的表層,而且還能充分滲透到皮膚的深層。. ★含天然精華滋養粒子,有效防止手部肌膚乾燥。. 特有的尿素配方,能深入皮膚內部。. ★促進血液循環,使角質柔軟,保持水分,無色不 ...

  6. 2019年9月5日 · Meet Hiromu Inada, an 86-year-old triathlete. Last year, he became the oldest person to complete the Ironman World Championship. The event is considered the toughest triathlon. It comprises a 4-kilometer swim, a 180-km bike ride and a 42-km run, totaling 226 km. Inada took 16 hours, 53 minutes to achieve the feat.

  7. 2020年1月8日 · 三津車站. 所在地址:愛媛縣松山市會津町. 官方網站: http://www.iyotetsu.co.jp/information/station/station.html?t=mitsu. 交通方式:三津車站下車即達. 打開「みつはまレトロ」之門 了解三津濱的悠悠歲月. 在2014年開業的「みつはまレトロ」,可算是收藏了三津濱過去歲月資料的重要場所。 從明治、大正至昭和時代的照片與地區資料,乃至有關三津濱地區的小手冊都能在這裡找到,有如一個小小觀光案內所。 店主藤岡先生是一位有著豐富閱歷且講話幽默的男士,聽著他娓娓道來的三津濱故事,感覺時光飛快。 在店內還有擺放著從前在三津濱電影院使用的投影機,斑駁的舊日痕跡及鏽化的零件,默然帶起了令人愐懷過往的氛圍。