雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 實驗室培育 vs.蘇聯石(高碳鑽) vs. RZ®人造鑽石 那麼實驗室培育鑽石,蘇聯石(高碳鑽)和RZ®人造鑽石有什麼區別? 簡而言之,實驗室培育鑽石是在受控實驗室環境中生長的純結晶碳鑽石。 它們具有與地球開采的鑽石相同的化學,物理和光學性質。 它們的分級與地球開采的鑽石相同,唯一的區別 ...

  2. *僅適用於香港和澳門的促銷活動. 我們喜歡RZ®人造鑽石,我們知道有機會,你也會。 無與倫比的價值. 大約是天然鑽石的0.5% 每卡起步HK$688.00. 寶石粉注入. 實驗室培育注入外的SP3碳,總硬度為8.8(實驗室測試的最大值為9.5)。 真正的美. 比起一般售賣的鑽石閃爍90%,保證淨度為FL,顏色為D,EX切割. 拯救了地球. 客戶在天然鑽石上選擇RZ®人造鑽石,每月可節省150多噸土地(平均)。 為什麼選擇RZ®人造鑽石? 完美. RZ®人造鑽石的顏色平均為D,淨度平均為FL,並採用GIA等級進行切割。 因此,它是有史以來最美麗,最逼真,最自然的人造鑽石,與最精美的地球鑽石首飾相得益彰。 SHOP LOOSE RZ®人造鑽石. 創造性.

    • How Are Lab-Created Diamonds Made?
    • Lab Grown Diamond Benefits
    • What Colors Are available?

    Each laboratory-created diamond is grown by placing a diamond ‘seed’ into a chamber of heat and pressure. This chamber mimics the natural growing process. Crystallization occurs allowing the lab-grown diamond to mature within six to ten weeks. It is then cut, polished and graded by the same world-renowned labs that certify earth-mined diamonds. The...


    Our collection of lab-created diamonds are available up to IF in clarity, D in color, Ideal in cut, and up to 10 carats in size. They come in a variety of shapesincluding round, rose, emerald, cushion, oval, oval rose, heart, princess, trillion, and radiant. Colors include white, yellow, blue, pink, and green.


    Unlike other retailers, every Rooselle Jewelry lab-created diamond is Type IIa, the purest form of diamond. They are harder and more brilliant than Type Ia diamonds. Only 2% of earth-mined diamonds are of this quality. Furthermore, each diamond is graded and certified by the same leading independent gemological labs that are used to grade earth-mined diamonds.


    Lab-created diamonds cost up-to 40% less than their mined diamond equivalents. Buyers beware: keep an eye out for "grown diamonds" sold for a few hundred dollars per carat. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Only diamond simulantsfall in this price range.


    A pure carbon diamond with no impurities will grade as a colorless diamond. However, the majority of both mined and lab-created diamonds contain impurities, most of which are nitrogen. The nitrogen atoms within the diamond lattice create the yellow tint. In cases of fancy colored diamonds, a pure yellow color is created. Nearly all diamonds, both mined and lab-created, start out as yellow diamonds. Over the span of millions of years and exposure to pressure and heat, mined diamonds split the...


    Roselle Jewelry’s yellow lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to yellow earth-mined diamonds, but are offered free of conflict and on average 10% of the cost. They are available in a color range from fancy yellow to fancy vivid yellow, in sizes up to 2.0 carats and a variety of shapes. Both mined and lab-created yellow diamonds get their color from nitrogen. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of th...


    Blue lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to blue earth-mined diamonds and are offered free of conflict and about 10% of the cost. They are typically offered in sizes smaller than 1.50 carats and come in a color range of fancy light blue to fancy intense blue. Both mined and lab-created blue diamonds get their color from boron. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of these impurities, in this case bo...

  3. 2019年6月25日 · 在仿鑽世界裡碎冰切割枕形是RZ ®唯一存在. 在開始已經說明,由於枕形切割高達8種之多。. 碎冰切割在人造鑽石的世界裡面只有RZ人造鑽石才有提供。. 為何?. 因為Roselle Jewelry品牌之擁有公司是以鑽石切割及鑽石批發主要生意,有自家的切割廠以及自家的鑽石 ...

  4. 2022年5月30日 · 當然,有。 但你怎麼知道? 數十年的研究和技術進步現在使這項艱鉅的任務變得更加容易,並且系統每天都在改進。 1. 天然地球開采的鑽石是如何形成的 鑽石的存在時間幾乎與地球一樣長。 一顆天然來源的鑽石在地球表面深處形成了數十億年。

  5. Roselle Jewelry では、タイプ IIa 成長ダイヤモンドの最大の品揃えの 1 つを提供しています。 これらはダイヤモンドの最も純粋な形であり、地球で採掘されたダイヤモンドの 98% よりも明るく、硬いものです。 これまで、タイプ IIa ダイヤモンドは、その希少性と高額な価格のため、有名人や王族のみが入手できましたが、ローゼル ジュエリーのラボラトリー グロウン ダイヤモンドはすべてタイプ IIA です。 ルースラボが作成したダイヤモンドを購入する. ラボで作成されたダイヤモンドはどのように作られるのでしょうか? 研究所で作成された各ダイヤモンドは、ダイヤモンドの「種」を熱と圧力のチャンバーに入れることによって成長します。 このチャンバーは自然な成長プロセスを模倣しています。

  6. 主頁 扭轉側石實驗室培育鑽石訂婚戒指 [淨戒托] - LGR058S. 創建你的戒指. 1 選擇您的設定. 2 選擇您的鑽石. 3 完成您的戒指. 返回搜尋.