雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Hong Kong - Accounts, Insurance, Credit Cards, Loans

  2. 了解Android版本HSBC HK App的全新安全措施如何保護您免受惡意軟件侵害。 了解更多 了解更多 android malware 我們一直致力推廣網絡安全,本資訊中心為您提供一系列網絡安全措施及防詐騙錦囊,助您提高相關知識,保障您的金錢及個人資料安全。

  3. Step 2. If you are new to HSBC, you may open an account instantly using the app. If you are already an HSBC customer, the app will get you set up for Personal Internet Banking the first time you use it. You can also open a new integrated account within the app.

  4. 香港滙豐流動理財應用程式(HSBC HK App)隨時隨地滿足您的日常理財需要,讓您以一系列實用功能及服務,盡享前所未有的輕鬆理財體驗。. 如您使用非預載Google Play的Android設備, 請按此了解如何下載「香港滙豐流動理財應用程式」 。.

  5. The HSBC HK Mobile Banking app lets you open your account in just 5 minutes. There is no need to go to the branch and submit your ID or any other documents. As soon as you're done with Personal Internet Banking registration, you'll be able to access your account using the app or online banking.

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  7. HSBC Hong Kong - Accounts, Insurance, Credit Cards, Loans