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  2. 本通知以英文書寫,可能翻譯成其他語言。. 如本通知的英文版本與翻譯版本有歧義,概以英文版本為準。. To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor.

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  5. To protect the interests of customers, if you want to inquire about betting account related information, please log in to the "HKJC Customer eCentre" and submit relevant enquiries through "Contact Us" on that page. Personal Information. Suggestion / Comments. Close. Top.

  6. 本通知以英文寫就,可能翻譯成其他語言。. 如本通知的英文版本與翻譯版本有歧異,概以英文版本為準。. To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor.

  7. 如閣下懷疑或曾經向可疑第三者提供個人資料及投注戶口詳情,請立即經HKJC網上客戶中心 ( cc.hkjc.com )更改投注戶口密碼,及致電1818與我們聯絡,並立刻向警方報案。. To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity ...

  8. 如閣下懷疑或曾經向可疑第三者提供個人資料及投注戶口詳情,請立即經HKJC網上客戶中心 ( cc.hkjc.com )更改投注戶口密碼,及致電1818與我們聯絡,並立刻向警方報案。 To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor.