雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-hk › CPD-SchemeSchedule_4 - EAA

    課程為二年循環制,每循環為期約六個月,方便持牌人安排時間上課 (持牌人可從二年循環制的十個課堂當中自由選擇任何一堂開始參與,惟必須於出席個課程的 第一堂起計兩年內 完成全部十個課堂)

  2. www.eaa.org.hk › Portals › 0Contents - EAA

    你的表現不僅受到局方所監管,也會被公眾目睹和評價。. 和比賽場上的運動員一樣,不懈的努力會得到讚許,任何不光彩的行為卻會備受鄙視。. While the whole community celebrated the excellent winning performances of Hong Kong athletes in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, we must not forget the ...

  3. 營業員資格考試時間表. 有關即將舉行的考試的報名詳情,請瀏覽本網站「報名詳情及報名後的事宜」部份. 查詢電話. 地產代理監管局:2111 2777. 職業訓練局高峰進修學院考試中心:2919 1467 / 2919 1468 / 2919 1478. 使用條款 | 連結 | 聯絡我們 | 網站地圖 | 消費者教育 ...

  4. Qualifying Examination Schedules. EAQE schedule. SQE schedule. For the registration details of the forthcoming examinations, please refer to the "Registration details & post-registration matters" Section of this website. Telephone Enquiries.

  5. 照片回顧 PHOTOS RECOLLECTION. 監管局行政總裁韓婉萍女士 (左)接受 Now TV 節目《樓 市每日》訪問,提及監管局 及政府分別為個人持牌人提 供的資助,以及局方的規管 工作。. EAA Chief Executive Officer Ms Ruby Hon (left) attends an interview by Now TV. She talks about the subsidies ...

  6. The EAA Board Appoints the Chairmen and Membership of Standing Committees and Panel. There are five standing committees and one panel under the EAA Board to oversee the various aspects of work. The new EAA Board held its first meeting on 25 November 2014 and appointed the chairmen and membership of these committees and panel.

  7. Compliance. Complaint. Inquiry Hearing. CPD Scheme. Information Centre. Consumer Education Website. Event Calendar. Exam > Instructions to Candidates. Click to view the “Instructions to Candidates (Paper-based Examination)”.