消費者教育網站「精明委託地產代理」. Consumer education website “Be smart in appointing estate agents”. 監管局最新一期《專業天地》經已出版. 關懷有「理」迎中秋. 良好及有效的競爭做法 (1) - 收取佣金及提供優惠的執業通告的「問與答」. 電子單張供持牌人向客戶解釋 ...
Estate Agents’ community service for Mid-Autumn Festival The “Q&A” of the Practice Circular on Good and Effective Competition Practices (1) – Charging of Commission and Offering of Incentives E-leaflet for licensees to explain to customers about the AMLO’s requirement of obtaining customers’ identity document and keep a copy for record The EAA issues a new Practice Circular on good ...
認識樓宇維修保養技術 – 滲水篇
The Estate Agents Authority (EAA) is a statutory body, established in November 1997 under the Estate Agents Ordinance (EAO). Its principal functions are to regulate the practice of estate agency in Hong Kong, promote integrity and competence within the industry, and facilitate training for estate agency practitioners to enhance their standards ...
2020-1-16. 監管局行政總裁韓婉萍女士聯同服務及專業發展總監 王頌恩先生與ARELLO 基金會董事及前會長Wayne Thorburn先生會面,就本港物業交易市況及持牌人數字進行交流。 ("ARELLO"). Information on the property market in Hong Kong and the population of licensees were exchanged in. 2020-1-24. 監管局行政總裁韓婉萍女士(右)接受新城電台節目訪問,談及業界的經營情況及局方於2020年的工作重點。
計劃推行目的. 1. 監管局推行「持續專業進修計劃 (自願性)」的目的是什麼?. 監管局於2005年5月起以自願參與形式推行持續專業進修計劃。. 計劃目的是提高從業員的專業水平,協助從業員及時掌握業務所需的最新的專業知識,從而使到行業繼續為香港的 ...
照片回顧 PHOTOS RECOLLECTION 24 監管局行政總裁韓婉萍女士(左)接受 Now TV 節目《樓 04 市每日睇》訪問,提及監管局 2020 及政府分別為個人持牌人提供的資助,以及局方的規管工作。 EAA Chief Executive Oficer Ms Ruby Hon (left) attends an interview by Now TV.