雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年2月15日 · Konpa came into use during the Meiji Period (1868-1912), when it described a meal where university students would get together to strengthen mutual bonds and share the cost of food between them. It's believed the variant term gokon was coined in the 1970s. Despite all the mystery, gokon are actually little more than group blind (or semi-blind ...

  2. 2017年10月16日 · The Secrets of the Lawson Copy Machine. Lawson Station Updated October 16, 2017. Convenience Stores Services PR Lawson Life in Japan FAQ. Sure, you can make copies on a copy machine. But Lawson copy machines also let you fax, scan to a USB memory disk, print PDFs, print photos on proper photo paper, and even send your print information through ...

  3. 神社入口基本上有一個水槽和帶柄的勺子,用來給參拜者洗手漱口用,這個地方叫做“禦手洗”。洗手漱口的時候按照以下流程: 1.右手拿柄勺從水槽中取水沖幹凈左手。 2.左手拿著柄勺沖幹凈右手。 3.再用右手拿柄勺取水,將水放在左手的手掌,用其漱口。

  4. 2018年10月17日 · Kochi is a little different from other areas of Japan for a few reasons. Kochi offers lush forests, tall mountains, cultural experiences, epic adventures and mouthwatering food. Last (but certainly not least), it also has some incredible sake, with time-honored brewing traditions. Although it's remote, Kochi is a place that combines some of the ...

  5. 東京每個地區都有不同的特色,像是中目黑、代官山這一帶充滿著異國風情,生活步調比較緩慢悠哉,鬧中取靜,巷弄裡有不少時尚服飾、咖啡甜點店、居家雜貨等,如果是喜歡文青小店或是雜貨的人,絕對不能錯過。

  6. 街道上禁止抽煙. 走在日本街道上,如果你想抽煙,需要到上圖類似的指定吸煙區域。. 一般在車站旁邊。. 在大城市,讓別人吸二手煙,煙頭燙到別人或隨地亂扔煙蒂是及其不禮貌的行為。. 上面的所有規矩和禮節當中,只有這條是必須遵守的,如果被抓到在 ...

  7. 2022年9月6日 · Situated near the Sumida River (隅田川・Sumida-gawa) in eastern Tokyo, Senso-ji is dedicated to the Kannon Bodhisattva, the goddess of mercy. According to legend, a statue of the Kannon was found in the river by two fisherman in the year 628, after which the chief of their village converted his house into a temple for the holy relic.