雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月2日 · 希望透過自己的文字,與讀者分享令人難以抗拒的日本之美!. 距離東京僅約 1.5 小時車程、離成田車站僅半小時車程,位於千葉縣東北的「關東小江戶」佐原擁有「東方威尼斯」美譽,處處充滿著古色古香的江戶風情。.

  2. 2024年3月28日 · ENOWA採用「菜色由農場決定」的餐飲方式,根據ENOWA直營農場和九州其他農場當日提供的最佳農產品來決定菜單。為了提供訪客最優質、最新鮮的蔬果,ENOWA在距離飯店約5分鐘車程附近,自行經營著有機農場,在0.6公頃的土地上種植著150種蔬果,包括10種胡蘿蔔、5種羽衣甘藍和蘿蔔,以及3種甜菜。

  3. 2024年4月16日 · 一般来说,热海的一日游,以泡温泉和品尝一顿美味晚餐做结尾就已经足够,但如果提前做好行程规划,打卡热海当地特色的“热海海上花火大会”,则会让美好的一天以更加惊艳的方式结尾。. 与很多人印象中日本的花火大会都集中在夏天举办有所不同,热海 ...

  4. 2024年4月3日 · Open from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily except Sundays and public holidays. (Telephone 3631-0650.) On the other side of the Keiyo Doro from Lion-do, Ryogoku Takahashi sells an extensive assortment of colorful sumo-related merchandise, including bedding, towels, door curtains, stationery, accessories and toys. Ryogoku Takahashi website.

  5. 2024年4月3日 · They're our authors! All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday!

  6. 2024年4月17日 · The Seishun 18 Kippu (ticket) is an affordable way of traveling around Japan on the JR network. For ¥12,050, all local trains on the network are included on an unlimited basis. The ticket is not valid on express trains that require seat bookings, including the bullet train (shinkansen). There are some exceptions such as the connection between ...

  7. 2024年4月10日 · Koko-en Garden, immediately west of Himeji Castle, is a Japanese garden divided into nine sections, each in a different style. The garden opened in 1992, incorporating the site of the former western residence of the castle lord and numerous samurai residences. The layout matches that of the historical residences and walled streets between them ...

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