雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我們旨在於這些步驟和決策中為您提供協助與支援。 當您的親人離世後,有一些程序您需要盡快處理。 當您聯繫我們時,您可能已經完成了其中一部份。 您將在以下指引中找到需要採取的步驟,從辦理死亡登記開始。 喪親指引 - 您可以保存 或 以供參考。 常見問題. 有用的聯絡資訊. 詞彙表. 我們明白親人離世是人生困難時刻,滙豐願為您於悲傷時,幫助您處理實際問題和重要的財務決策。 了解更多。

  2. Step 1 – Registering the death. When someone passes away the death must be registered. Step 2 – Notifying us and finding out banking relationship. Once you have registered the death you should notify HSBC and find out the deceased’s asset with us. Step 3 – Emergency needs. We can release funds from the estate to pay for the certain emergency needs.

  3. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  4. Bereavement. Notifying us. You can notify HSBC of the death after obtaining the Death Certificate of the deceased. All you need to do is to visit one of our HSBC branches with the original or certified copy of Death Certificate of the deceased. For someone who died in Hong Kong, other than Death Certificate, we also accept Certificate of Order ...

  5. 查詢戶口結餘的申請與已故客戶之間的關係證明文件,例如結婚證明書,父母或子女的出生證明書 最後訂立的遺囑正本,如有 我們的分行職員將會為您填寫申請表查詢已故客戶的戶口結餘,並通常於15個工作天內將已故客戶截至去世當日的戶口結餘紀錄郵寄給您。

  6. 誤解1:我這麼年輕,不需要買人壽保險. 無論您多年輕、對未來多有信心,意外甚麼時候會出現,是任何都無法預料的。. 投保壽險,可以將自己遇上意外的財政風險轉嫁給保險公司,在您萬一發生事故時獲得經濟賠償,減低家人財務波動的機會。. 萬一您入息 ...

  7. 都可維持經濟穩定。 他的「滙家保」基本計劃每月保費港幣約600 元,保障額港幣7,000,000 元。如果Sam 不幸身故,家人可得一筆過現金賠償,清還按揭及供子女讀書。 為進一步守護自己及家人,他更投保附加危疾和癌症保障,月費只需港幣約80 元,即