雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 網上私人貸款即時批核!. 申請貸款只需身份證及手提 電話# ,借錢更方便。. 申請私人貸款前,學習更多有關貸款的小知識,了解貸款申請及批核時或可用到的小貼士。. 讓你做個精明借貸者,解決資金周轉煩惱並助您實現財務目標。. 立即了解更多!.

  2. Promise truly got your back! Whether you are employed or self-employed, you can apply loan with just your ID card and mobile number #! No supporting documents are required! New customer will receive a cash reward of up to HK$10,000 ! Apply Now. Get a Personal Loan anytime, anywhere you are. The application process is quick and easy.

  3. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免. 每月還款金額為HK$5,940;總還款額為HK$213,840. 網上申請邦民貸款快捷方便,只需填寫簡單個人資料,即可測試您的貸款資格。. 一經批核,即時過數!. 滿足您不同的資金財務需要。.

  4. 常見問題 - 循環貸款. 若貸款全數清還後,需要再度貸款,是否需要再次申請?. 怎樣辦理?. 怎樣才可提高循環貸款上限?. 若透過24小時會員專線⁄本網站之會員專區辦理循環貸款後,如何知道自己的還款期數?. 立即了解邦民的循環貸款計劃.

  5. Promise provides 24-hour quick and easy online loan services, allowing you to complete loan procedures anytime and anywhere. From application, to contract signing and fund transfer, the entire loan process can be completed on Promise's 24/7 online lending platform. You can even borrow money online late at night, or on weekends to solve your ...

  6. 生活需要靈活,邦民貸款適用於大專學生,助大學生渡過一時難關。 梁先生 20歲,大專 有關大專學生貸款的資訊,最初是從中學的師兄口中得知。他分享自己中學至大學的心路歷程,當中一句令我頗有印象,他說「現實生活是殘酷的,以往在中學不愁衣食,到做大學生時就發現樣樣都是錢。

  7. If your account type is under "revolving", the credit would still be retained even if your loan is repaid. If you want to apply for a loan, you can click here to apply through the member zone or dial our 24-hour Member Hotline, 3199 1111 or visit any Promise branches.