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  1. Tokyo Metro will commence a service through which QR codes can be used to issue "Tokyo Subway Tickets" at ticket vending machines for travelers! Tokyo Metro's official website. You can view convenient information such as subway map, fares, discount tickets, passes, popular attractions along Tokyo Metro lines, etc. for getting around Tokyo.

  2. PASMO卡的加值金額除用於乘坐鐵道和巴士以外,還可以作為電子錢包在商店或自動販賣機購買商品。. 此外,它也可以於全國IC卡通用的鐵路和巴士營運加盟店使用。. ※注意:PASMO卡本金押金500日元。. 可以在東京Metro地鐵各站的售票機、車站辦公室或月票售票處 ...

  3. 東京Metro地鐵車票資訊。提供票價的計算方式、換乘路線、車票種類以及月票等資訊。 票價 【Tokyo Subway 24-hour Ticket+利木津巴士成田機場路線單程車票】 大人:3,400日元 兒童:1,700日元 【Tokyo Subway 48-hour Ticket+利木津巴士成田機場路線單程

  4. Why use station numbers? It is easy to know the station number for the subway line of your desired station. It is easy to know the number of stations until your desired or transfer station. It is easy to know if your train is going in the desired direction.

  5. 大人. 12歲以上的乘客按照大人票價收費,但12歲的小學生仍按照兒童票價收費。. 兒童. 6歲至11歲的乘客按照兒童票價收費。. (兒童票價為大人票價的一半,個位數無條件進位。. 使用IC卡乘車時,小數點後無條件捨去。. ) 滿6歲但尚未上小學的乘客按照幼兒 ...

  6. Information regarding special benefits such as discounts when you show an eligible discount ticket to various spots around Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway stations. Tokyo Metro's ticket information. You can search for fares and transfer routes as well as detailed information on tickets and passes.

  7. These tickets can be used on all Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway lines, and are valid within 24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours of the time of purchase. Price. Tokyo Subway 24-hour Ticket – Adult: 800 yen, Child: 400 yen. Tokyo Subway 48-hour Ticket – Adult: 1,200 yen, Child: 600 yen. Tokyo Subway 72-hour Ticket – Adult: 1,500 yen, Child: 750 yen.

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