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  1. This website provides international tourists in Japan. with information about safe travel. Home. In the event. of an emergency. Helpful. Phrases. The App. “Safety tips”.

  2. 이 웹사이트는 일본을 방문하는 외국인 여행자가 안전하게 여행할 수 있도록 정보를 제공하고 있습니다. 홈 비상시 긴급 상황 시 사용 언어 앱 "Safety Tips"

  3. Created Date 2/1/2020 11:52:51 AM

  4. Pay attention to evacuation information announced by your local government and swiftly evacuate accordingly. ・Check situations with your lodging facility and evacuate to a safe area. ・Do not go near dangerous areas. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel.

  5. When a weather warning is issued Emergency warning It will be announced when standard warning level is highly expected and there is a high risk of a major disaster which only occurs once in a few decades. Immediate need to relocate to a safe area. ・Immediate

  6. Follow staff instructions. Act calmly. Avoid evacuating by elevators that have not been ensured safety. When safety is confirmed. Pay attention to aftershocks and secondary disasters and return to your lodging facility. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel.

  7. 注意報. 當大雨或者強風等可能引發災害時,氣象廳會提醒民眾注意。. 關注自治發布的避難準備信息,在容易受到雨和風影響的地區,需要避難行動支援的人需注意儘快行動。. 通過電視、廣播、氣象廳官網等獲取最新的氣象信息。. ・通過電視、廣播、氣象 ...

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