雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone, in meteorological term, which is a low pressure system occurring in tropical oceans. The winds above the ground circulate around the center counterclockwise for a typhoon occurring in the northern hemisphere and clockwise ...

  2. 地震報告. 小區域有感地震報告. 發震時間:2023/08/08 14:26:24. 位置:北緯 23.31度,東經 121.44度 即在臺東縣政府北北東方 68.4 公里 ,位於臺東縣近海. 地震深度:27.5公里. 芮氏規模:3.9. 本報告係中央氣象局地震觀測網即時地震資料地震速報之結果。. 各地震度級.

  3. 反射式 無色差但有像差,影像較淡 鏡片品質較粗略 面鏡支撐面大,不易變形 面鏡只1面 光軸不容易正確調整 面鏡部份曝露大氣中,易受溫度影響 可自製,價格低廉 每隔數年鏡面需重新鍍鋁或銀 大型天文臺常用,口徑可達數公尺

  4. Following is a chronological list of events related to temperature measurement: 1592: Dutch C. Drebbel von Alkmar and an Italian Galileo Galilei simultaneously invented the air thermometer (or thermoscope). 1620: Dutch C. Drebbel von Alkmar invented the spirit

  5. 金星的直徑為1萬2103.6公里,比地球略小,質量是地球的0.82倍,而且它有很厚的大氣。金星的公轉周期約225天,而自轉周期是243天,但它的自轉方向和大部分的行星剛好相反。因金星跟水星一樣是較接近太陽的內行星,所以當金星位於太陽西邊,則在日出前見於東方地平線上,古時當它是晨星,稱為 ...

  6. Mercury was called Chen Xing in ancient China. It is the planet nearest the Sun. Its diameter is only 4,880 km and is about 38% that of the Earth. Its mass is small and is equivalent to 0.05 times that of the Earth. Mercury has an orbital period of only 88 days, but ...