雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月14日 · 富山縣高岡市有著日本「銅器之都」的美名。成就這美名的是一件著名的藝術大作「高岡大佛」,高15公尺的大佛,建造於十八世紀中期,耗時30年完成,與奈良大佛、鎌倉大佛被稱為「日本三大佛」。這尊大佛的鑄造、著色等各個環節,均由高岡的工匠藝人完成,彰顯銅器渾厚蒼勁的魅力之餘 ...

  2. 台灣,一年四季都能超商吃得到關東煮(おでん),反觀日本的超商則根據地域與店舖不同,幾乎很難夏天看到加熱關東煮的蹤影,甚至連販售的關東煮食材也與台灣不盡相同。

  3. 2018年2月19日 · Edomae Sushi — Tuna Weekly Imported from Nagasaki. Edomae Sushi is the most prominent sushi restaurant in Beijing right now, yet the owner/chef, Jiang Bingsheng, had an unusual start. He was so moved by the sushi he ate for the first time in Beijing in the '90s, he went to Japan to study sushi. He trained at a sushi restaurant in Japan for 10 ...

  4. 2017年11月2日 · One of the things I enjoy most about Ise Grand Shrine is its architecture. Ise Grand Shrine’s buildings are constructed in what is known as the yuitsu-shinmei-zukuri style, a type of architecture that incorporates building elements common in Japan before Buddhism was introduced to the country via the Silk Road. ...

  5. 2017年6月8日 · "Don't you forget it: We will never forgive wrong sushi." Thus concludes the second trailer for the short CG anime Sushi Police by award-winning creative studio KOO-KI. The title is a nod to a term used by some Western news sources to refer to the Japanese government's 2006 plan to offer official seals of approval to selected overseas Japanese restaurants, which was itself a response to a ...

  6. 2020年9月14日 · Japan Packaging Design Award 2021. Japan has a rich history of packaging design that dates back hundreds of years and rooted in a tradition of gift-giving. Before industrial materials like plastic and cardboard, gifts were wrapped in straw, bamboo, leaves and paper: an art unto itself that lives on today in the form of products often wrapped in ...

  7. 2017年11月2日 · Inuyama Castle is a National Treasure, and one of the oldest original castles still standing in Japan.

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