雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 貴為友邦營業精英之殿堂級榮譽,不僅代表得獎者的傑出表現,包括榮獲超過12次友邦高峰會海外會議的出席資格,於友邦的服務年資更須達20年或以上。此榮譽亦嘉許及表揚得獎者的專業態度及以客為尊的服務宗旨,多年來為客戶帶來優質而全面的保障計劃及財務策劃服務。

  2. 精英殿堂. 貴為友邦營業精英之殿堂級榮譽,不僅代表得獎者的傑出表現,此榮譽亦嘉許及表揚得獎者的專業態度及以客為尊的服務宗旨,多年來為客戶帶來優質而全面的保障計劃及財務策劃服務。. 累積12積分*可成為得獎者。. *以成功獲得高峰會議 (Summit Club ...

  3. Hall of Honour. This designation is to recognize the AIA Representatives who has made distinguished achievement by attaining the fifth-term membership of AIA's most prestigious overseas convention. He / She is regarded as the best breed among AIA's agency force and this award also serves as a recognition of his / her incredible efforts in ...

  4. AIA strives to bring together employee benefits, workforce wellness, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) in a powerful way that resonates with employees and employers, and supports employers in their journey from traditional employer-provided insurance to a programme of benefits that work together and support their employees in ...

  5. 香港,2018 年7 月24日 ── AIA 品牌最近連獲兩項殊榮,包括連續三年晉身BrandZTM全球一百大最具價值品牌。與此同時,AIA連續五年榮獲《讀者文摘》「信譽品牌」最高榮譽的「香港信譽品牌(保險組別)」白金獎, 標誌着AIA 連續15 年榮膺「信譽品牌」。. 兩項殊榮均證明 ...

  6. 香港,2021 年1 月12日 ── 友邦香港今日公布「AIA 理想退休生活調查」第十二期結果,重點發現如下: 55% 受訪者受疫情衝擊收入減少,38% 曾動用退休儲備維持日常開支;儲備缺口再創新高達223萬港元 ( 中位數) 另外, 有79% 受訪者認同未來退休儲備「唔見使」,為退休 ...

  7. 友邦強積金僱主可下載強積金表格及指引,輕鬆了解友邦退休基金的相關資料。