雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · “高架桥下”近年成为东京都内利用都市空间、创造新商业据点的热门选择。原本只是通勤时匆匆经过不会特意停留的地方,或是仅提供自行车等停放空间的阴暗区域,如今一个个被赋予新生命,不只是将原有的餐饮店翻新,更成为当地居民的生活补给站,甚至是宣扬当地文化的新据点。

  2. 4 天前 · 集結美食生活雜貨,質感再升級 ーー acorde 代代木上原 小田急線・東京Metro地鐵千代田線代代木上原站的高架橋下,早在1993年即打造出兩層樓的商業空間「acorde 代代木上原」,超市、藥妝店、餐廳百元商店等,豐富了當地居民生活通勤所需。

  3. 4 天前 · Modern and contemporary artworks in public spaces are a feature of cities around the world, and Tokyo is no exception. This kind of public art is free for everyone to look at, and plays an important role in shaping the cultural identity of a place. It provides opportunities for artists to connect with local communities, and encourages discussion and reflection on various issues. In Tokyo, you ...

  4. 5 天前 · Daidai Kagura, a designated Intangible Cultural Property of Tokyo, is a traditional ritual that is performed before Shinto deities. Legend says that this ritual, which takes place at Shinagawa-jinja Shrine, originated with an offering by Tokugawa Ieyasu to pray for victory before the famous Battle of Sekigahara in 1600.

  5. 台場慕尼黑啤酒節2024~SPRING~. 東京都江東區青海1丁目(Symbol Promenade公園 中央廣場). 2024-4-26 - 2024-5-6. Updated: March 1, 2024. 此為在台場舉辦的德國啤酒祭典。. 這裡不僅提供原產地直送的桶裝生啤酒,還能品嚐到香腸、豬腳等豐富德國料理,不喜歡喝啤酒的人也 ...

  6. Odaiba Oktoberfest is a festival that celebrates German beer. Besides imported brews, you can also try sausages, eisbein (pickled ham hock), and other German dishes. Even if you're not a beer fan, there's plenty to enjoy, including performances by German bands. Eat, drink, and be merry with family and friends at Odaiba Oktoberfest. See on Map.

  7. 5 天前 · 標高約599メートルの高尾山は年間約300万人が訪れる、都会のオアシス的存在です。「明治の森高尾国定公園」に指定され、山内の自然や建造物は保護されています。春季大祭は高尾山薬王院の主要祭事のひとつ。薬王院本堂では特別開帳大護摩供法要修行が、仏舎利塔 有喜苑では紫燈大護摩供 ...