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  1. 2010年11月14日 · 意思就是,每天飲食均衡的話,就不會生病了。. 原文:医食同源. 平假名:いしょくどうげん. 羅馬字:i shoku dou gen. 對華語圈的朋友來講這些成語或諺語一定不陌生!. 不如把這幾句簡短的「四字熟語」念法學起來,讓你的日本朋友聽了嚇到下巴掉下來吧!.

  2. 2016年4月22日 · Interview with Chibatman! Chiba Prefecture‘s very own superhero, Chibatman, has been making headlines in Japan and abroad since he began his campaign to keep Chiba’s streets safe. Often spotted around town on his custom-built Chibatpod (a.k.a. Batcycle), he’s also been seen making speeches at official events, and even received the Chiba ...

  3. 2017年12月28日 · Kato Kiyomasa (1561-1611) is known for building Kumamoto Castle, one of Japan’s most esteemed fortresses. Known as a ruthless fighter, Kiyomasa’s battle armor is distinctive, both in its shades of color and its large bull's-eye, which is the Kato family crest. Modeled on the eboshi traditional headdress worn by Shinto Priests, the extra ...

  4. 2018年4月8日 · www.youtube.com. Wotagei is a type of Japanese choreographed dance executed using high-intensity glow sticks at night, predominantly performed by idol otaku. Flailing along to funky beats with unmatched agility, few groups have ventured into English pop music, but that's changed thanks to the group Kita no Uchishi Tachi (Northern Flailers).

  5. 2017年6月5日 · 日本旅遊除了吃盡美食逛遍景點外,體驗日本文化也是相當重要的一環。. 為了將日本和太鼓的魅力推薦給大家,這次我們一行3人就特別前往了和太鼓教室,體驗這集聚力與美的日本傳統大鼓。. 和太鼓不僅聲音宏亮震撼,透過敲擊太鼓傳來的振動更是超乎想像 ...

  6. 2016年6月13日 · Luckily, we have four easy and useful phrases to help you speak like a local. 1. Nandeyanen. This is probably one of the most popular phrases of the Kansai dialect and is the equivalent to doushite (why) in standard Japanese. Interject with this, and you’re sure to get a huge response from your partner. If you’ve seen the anime Azumanga ...

  7. 2016年4月12日 · Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect. People have been at this for a while, so fortunately there's a wealth of helpful information right at your fingertips: from where to buy groceries to how to manage unruly middle school students.