雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Hong Kong. We also provide services to Canadians in: Macao. Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada. Register a child's birth abroad. Steps to become a Canadian citizen. Get proof of citizenship. Steps to follow when a loved one dies abroad.

  2. Complete your citizenship application and pay your fee online before booking an appointment to present your documents in person. Bring your online payment receipt to your appointment. We will confirm receipt of your application either by telephone or by email.

  3. To find out how and where to submit your application, see your instruction guide. Use our Web form to: Need help? Find answers to your questions in the Help Centre.

  4. 加拿大駐香港及澳門總領事館 (英語: Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau),是在 中華人民共和國 香港特別行政區 和 澳門特別行政區 代表 加拿大 的總 領事館。 1997年7月1日 香港主權移交 到中國之前,由於香港在 英治時期 屬 英聯邦 一員,加拿大駐香港的機構稱為 加拿大專員公署。 [1] 基於香港和澳門特區的特殊歷史背景,加拿大駐香港及澳門總領事館跟 美國駐港總領事館 一樣,並非直屬 加拿大駐華大使館,而直屬 渥太華 的 加拿大全球事務部 (英文:Global Affairs Canada),同時與在中國內地的其他加拿大使領館緊密合作。 [2]

  5. 加拿大 辦公室(一般) 鰂魚涌太古坊 華蘭路25號 栢克大廈8樓 辦公室 (其他) 中環康樂廣場8號 交易廣場三期5樓 辦公時間 星期一至星期四 上午8時30分至下午5時 星期五 上午8時30分至下午1時30分 移民部 星期三 上午9時至上午10時 (預約) 領事部 星期一至星期五

  6. Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Hong Kong. Includes information about coming to Canada. Travel advice, passport and entry requirements, health and safety information, and more. Apply to immigrate. Get a visa to study, work or visit Canada. Travel advice for how to stay safe and returning to Canada.

  7. For emergency consular assistance, call the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa. Embassies and consulates for the Government of Canada.

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