雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2 天前 · 有颚动物 Gnathifera. 顎口動物門 Gnathostomulida. 微顎動物門 Micrognathozoa. 輪形動物門 Rotifera(包括 棘頭動物門 Acanthocephala). 毛颚动物门 Chaetognatha. 扁轮动物 Platytrochozoa. 中生动物 Mesozoa. 菱形動物門 Rhombozoa. 直泳動物門 Orthonectida.

  2. 3 天前 · 狮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 印度 古吉拉特邦 的 吉爾國家公園 是野生亞洲獅最後的棲息地. 獅在非洲的分佈. 母獅, 塞伦盖蒂国家公园 , 坦桑尼亞. 狮 ( 學名 : Panthera leo )俗稱 獅子 [4] [5] [6] [7] ,是一种产自 非洲 和 亚洲 的大型 猫科动物 ,栖息於 热带 草原、半沙漠地带、较稀疏的旱林与 灌木丛 等生境。 体呈暗黄色,尾端具棕黑色丛毛,成年雄性的脖颈到脸周有黄褐色及黑色长毛环绕,为其显著特征。 狮子拥有现存猫科中最大的平均体重和仅次於 虎 的极限体重,一般野生成年雌獅重110–150千克,雄獅重160–200千克,最大的雄獅可超过270千克,圈养下则能达到300千克以上。

  3. 3 天前 · 河马. 体重最重约为4吨. 历史上最大的陸上動物. 阿拉摩龙 [1] 身長50~60公尺,體重約為96~130公噸。. (过去一直认为 地震龙 D. hallorum 是最大的陆生动物,但是近些年来估值仅有33吨重 [2] ,并且被归于 梁龙属 中). 最大的陸上 哺乳動物. 納瑪象. 肩高 5.2米 ...

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › VertebrateVertebrate - Wikipedia

    5 天前 · Vertebrates ( / ˈvɜːrtəbrɪts, - ˌbreɪts /) [3] are deuterostomal animals with bony or cartilaginous axial endoskeleton — known as the vertebral column, spine or backbone — around and along the spinal cord, including all fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › MarsupialMarsupial - Wikipedia

    7 小時前 · Marsupials are a diverse group of mammals belonging to the infraclass Marsupialia. They are primarily found in Australasia, Wallacea, and the Americas. One of the defining features of marsupials is their unique reproductive strategy, where the young are born in a relatively undeveloped state and then nurtured within a pouch.

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › CnidariaCnidaria - Wikipedia

    5 天前 · Cnidaria. my father figure is a wonderful person. ( / nɪˈdɛəriə, naɪ -/) [4] is a phylum under kingdom Animalia containing over 11,000 species [5] of aquatic animals found both in fresh water and marine environments (predominantly the latter), including jellyfish, hydroids, sea anemones, corals and some of the smallest marine ...

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › PrimatePrimate - Wikipedia

    2 天前 · Primate is a term that refers to any member of the order Primates, a group of mammals that includes humans, apes, monkeys, lemurs, and lorises. Primate - Wikipedia provides an overview of the evolution, classification, behavior, and conservation of primates, as well as their cultural and scientific significance. Learn more about these fascinating animals and their diversity on this webpage.