雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 做超聲刀HI FU完全為了拉起這層皮?. 超聲刀HIFU是抗老療程的王者,因為超聲波/音波能量拉提療程是非入侵性、無痛無創的療程,但深度可達至肌底4.5mm,鮮少技術可達至如此深度,不會製造任何傷口之餘更無副作用及恢復期,因此從推出至今稱霸醫美界。. 超 ...

  2. 醫生教你5大去斑法,去斑膏必選這成分+小編實測超皮秒激光去斑!. 爲什麽皮膚會暗啞無光?. 細數7大去暗啞食物!. 保持這6種生活習慣也能亮白膚色!. 皮秒激光6大效果,不同波長有不同的效果!. 療程後要注意這4件事+用家實證去斑功效!.

    • Wen Qi
  3. At Perfect Medical, we pride ourselves on being the biggest medical beauty company in Hong Kong that delivers outstanding customer service, only uses world-class machines and offers the best laser pigmentation removal treatments in the market. Over the years, we have received plenty of praise and built up a reputation for being Hong Kong’s #1 ...

  4. 激光脫毛療程. 解決各種毛髮困擾,包括全身、腋下、比堅尼、手臂、雙腿、面部等等,肌膚回復幼嫩白滑. 鼻鼾槍療程. 改善因呼吸道阻塞而導致的鼻鼾問題及影響,例如提升睡眠質素、減少日間嗜睡、提高集中力等. 用家實證. 痛症舒緩療程. 減輕常見的都市痛症,例如腰背痛、頸痛、手腕痛、腳跟痛等等,或因創傷而引致的痛楚. 用家實證. Perfect Medical 提供一系列全面、專業、有效的醫學美容及減肥療程,涵蓋去斑、瘦面、減肥、去眼袋,去暗瘡、豐胸、私密護理等,立即登記體驗!

  5. Perfect Medical is Hong Kong's largest international medical beauty group, offering a variety of highly-effective medical beauty treatments. Our treatments include slimming, body-sculpting, hyperpigmentation removal, tightening, muscle gain and hair growth. No matter the customer's needs, we can provide the most suitable treatments.

  6. Contact us. Hong Kong: 2782 0550. Macau: 2835 6263. Mainland China: 400 888 3982. Service Hours: Mondays to Fridays 11am - 9pm / Saturdays 11am - 7pm / Sundays and Public Holidays 11am - 6pm. Perfect Medical於香港、澳門及中國內地均有分店,查詢熱線: (香港)+852 2782 0550, (澳門)+853 2835 6263, (中國)+853 400 888 3982。

  7. 雙下巴槍療程. Perfect Medical 引入的雙下巴槍療程利用全球唯一的美國專利聚焦射頻技³,射頻頻率為40.68MHz,可每秒向肌底深層發送4068萬次能量,藉此促進脂肪代謝,從而達到收雙下巴、瘦面的效果!.