雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Tertiary Student Loan. Whether it is tuition, accommodation, daily study or living expenses, it is easy for students to lose track of their budgets and be in a real trouble. Promise can help! Our Tertiary Student Loan is specially designed for tertiary and university students in Hong Kong. You can easily take out loans at any time and deal with ...

  2. 借錢手續簡單,讓您解決財務需要。例如:現金週轉、清卡數、升學 、進修、搬遷、家居裝修、旅行等等。 可以透過什麼方法借錢? 您可以按此透過本網站之網上申請、致電邦民迎新專線 3199 1199 或親臨邦民任何一間 ...

  3. 立即網上申請. 推走證明文件,貸款一批即過數 ^ ! 不論你是全職或自僱,申請貸款只需身份證及手提電話 # ,免卻繁複步驟,輕鬆解決周轉需要! 立即網上申請. 急需貸款,不能再等? 邦民全速應援! 邦民使用轉數快極速過數,現金一批即到手 ^ ,助你瞬間捕捉黃金機會,理想生活一擊即中! 立即網上申請. 全城驚喜, 實際年利率低至1.12%! 邦民超低息貸款,助你輕鬆周轉,減省利息支出。 請即. 了解更多 詳情! 立即網上申請. 春日應援,花開好運來,洋溢暖意送大禮! 新客戶成功貸款,獎現金高達$10,000 ! 立即 了解詳情 ! 立即網上申請. 24 小時網上即時批核 ⦿ ,助你跨越難關! 邦民貸款由申請至過數,都可網上辦妥,全程無需現身 * 。 一經批核,現金極速到手 ^ 。

  4. 澳洲的學費與生活費較其他一些西方英語系國家便宜,而且允許學生於在學期間享有每兩周48 小時的工作時數,用來補貼生活開支。 必備錦囊!澳洲留學準備清單 澳洲留學準備清單1:所需簽證 論及海外留學,大家一定最先想到簽證問題。所有學生簽證 ...

  5. 3199 1199. 還款期最短為3個月及最長為84個月。 根據放債人條例,實際年利率不超過48%。 所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定: 貸款額:HK$200,000. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免. 每月還款金額為HK$5,940;總還款額為HK$213,840. 網上申請邦民貸款快捷方便,只需填寫簡單個人資料,即可測試您的貸款資格。 一經批核,即時過數! 滿足您不同的資金財務需要。

  6. In situations where you need cash urgently, Promise's Instant Personal Loan is here to help, offering approval and funds transfer to you online and instantly. The entire loan application process can be completed online, allowing you to obtain cash anytime and anywhere. The money lending process is simple and fast, and all you need to do is ...

  7. Promise is your first-choice lender. Annual percentage rate (APR) as low as 1.12%. Low interest loan to ease your burden. Apply Online Now. Promise – Easy Loan, Easy Pay! As a money lender providing online low interest loans, we are here to help meeting your financial needs. Welcome Offer Rewards up to HK$10,000 cash.

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