雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.shacombank.com.hk › tch › about2023 11 7

    舞台劇相約星期二講述即將辭世的教授與其學生相處的最後時光,兩人一同探討生命話題,故事情節發人深省,啟發觀眾思考和珍惜生命意義。 故事源自美國作家 Mitch Albom書籍 “Tuesdays with Morrie”,該書深受全球讀者歡迎,銷量近二千萬本,亦翻譯至多國版本逾三十種語言,並先後獲改編成電視、電影及舞台劇作品。 是次舞台劇由「藝文創」主辦、藝人方力申及資深戲劇工作者張可堅主演,並由文化工作者李偉民擔任行政監製,於11 月3 日至12日在香港演藝學院廖湯慧靄戲劇院盛大公演。 為了進一步推廣本地藝術文化,本行專誠購買了100 張舞台劇門票送贈予博愛醫院轄下12所兒童及家庭服務單位及青少年服務單位,冀讓更多青少年有機會欣賞此齣富教育意義的舞台劇,培養他們的正向思維和正面價值觀。

  2. 2 For further enquiries, please contact: Ms Sybil Kwok Head of Corporate Communications Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited Tel: 2841 5050 Fax: 2526 8320 Email: sybil.kwok@shacombank.com.hk Should there be any discrepancy between the English

  3. Branch Services Update. Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited has been one of the most distinguished local Chinese banks in Hong Kong. Our business network reaches across Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas, also stretches to United Kingdom, the United States of America, Shanghai and Shenzhen, offering our customers comprehensive banking services ...

  4. Iconic Green Building with a Prestigious Address A stunning new office tower that is destined to be among the most coveted addresses in the city: the Shanghai Commercial Bank Tower at 12 Queen’s Road Central. Just 2 minutes’ walk from the MTR Central

  5. (星期三)起恢復總統分行之服務,營業時間如下,直至另行通知︰ 星期一至星期五︰ 上午9 時至下午4 時15 分 星期六︰ 休息 分行 地址 總統分行 銅鑼灣謝斐道517 號A 地下 本行建議客戶繼續使用自動櫃員機、網上、電話及流動銀行服務處理賬戶事宜。

  6. www.shacombank.com.hk › eng › aboutProperty Redevelopment

    The redevelopment of the Shanghai Commercial Bank Tower ("SCBT") located on 12 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong has been completed in Q1 2016. The 28-storey SCBT is not only a new landmark in Central, but also a remarkable feat of engineering that complements the environment with modern architecture and environmental-friendly technologies. The ...

  7. Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited. (incorporated with limited liability in Hong Kong) (the “Issuer”) U.S.$350,000,000 Tier 2 Subordinated Notes due 2033. (Stock Code: 5713) (the “Notes”) This announcement is issued pursuant to Rule 37.39A of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (the “Listing Rules”) on The Stock Exchange of ...