雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 先生. 30歲,網店店主. 我是一家手作品網店店主,生意時好時壞,每月收入並不穩定。 一旦周轉不靈,需要動用積蓄去支付營運及其他開支。 於是,我嘗試申請私人貸款,希望藉此減低財務負擔。 雖然試過向幾間銀行申請貸款作比較,但作為自僱人士的我並無固定入息,結果都因未能提供有效入息證明而無法獲批,令我相當氣餒。 碰巧從另一個創業的朋友口中得知邦民私人循環貸款計劃,比較過後,發現利率優惠之餘,申請手續亦非常簡單。 而且私人循環貸款一經批核,毋須逐次申請,可以隨時運用已獲批的貸款額。 而且與銀行比較,邦民的私人循環貸款還款期非常有彈性,可以隨時還款,完全配合我的資金流動需要。 無論是購置公司用品還是有周轉需要,都可以隨時提取,好像多了一個備用現金戶口。

  2. If your account type is under "revolving", the credit would still be retained even if your loan is repaid. If you want to apply for a loan, you can click here to apply through the member zone or dial our 24-hour Member Hotline, 3199 1111 or visit any Promise branches.

  3. 邦民私人循環貸款計劃,靈活還款額由你話事!. 透過邦民循環貸款隨時提取循環備用現金,解決突發財務需要,一經批核毋須逐次申請,瞬間過數。. 按此了解更多優惠及詳情!.

  4. 常見問題 - 循環貸款. 若貸款全數清還後,需要再度貸款,是否需要再次申請?. 怎樣辦理?. 怎樣才可提高循環貸款上限?. 若透過24小時會員專線⁄本網站之會員專區辦理循環貸款後,如何知道自己的還款期數?. 立即了解邦民的循環貸款計劃.

  5. Revolving Loan Being a business owner or freelancer, you may face cash flow problems due to unpredictable revenue. Promise's revolving loan scheme allows you to withdraw approved revolving loan amount at any time, with the ability to adjust the repayment period and amount, to solve your immediate cash flow needs conveniently and flexibly.

  6. 幸好,有朋友之前有申請過特快私人貸款的經驗,知道申請邦民貸款可以特快批核,手續過程簡單容易又快捷,在職人士只需要出示身份證及手提電話,無需提交住址及入息證明,即可獲得批核,並即時現金過數。. 於是我便立即經網上平台申請特快私人貸款 ...

  7. The Personal Revolving Loan has a flexible repayment amount. Once approved, you don’t have to reapply. Resolve your urgent financial needs now! ... With PROMISE revolving loan, I can get fund whenever I need and ensure more stable cash flow! Mr. Wong 30