雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 31 March 2017. Unaudited Quarterly Regulatory Disclosure. 31 December 2016. Detailed breakdown of capital components - Transition disclosures template. Countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) ratio standard disclosure template. Reconciliation between accounting and regulatory balance sheets. Leverage Ratio. Liquidity Coverage Ratio.

  2. Enjoy up to a total of HKD500 instant discount for Klook travel products with your credit cards. Also, earn up to 5% year-round CashBack with your Smart Card! Learn More. Travel to the fullest. Live life to the fullest. New clients can get 50,000 Asia Miles and up to 5% p.a. savings rate by signing up for Priority Banking and Marathon Savings ...

  3. 渣打國際商業銀行 公告『金融服務收費標準表(SCB201909)』自2019年9月2日起生效,相關修訂內容說明,請 查照。 一、公告『金融服務收費標準表(SCB201909)』,自生效日起依本收費標準表收費,若您對此次修訂有任何疑義,歡迎您透過本行全省各分行、網站或致電客服中心 4058-0088(手機撥打請加02)洽詢 ...

  4. 3 天前 · 渣打銀行2018香港鈔票系列以表揚「香港精神」為設計主軸,將最具代表性的城市面貌糅合社會特質,全面展現香港獨有的價值。. 只要將五款鈔票並列,便會看見背景是象徵香港精神的獅子山線條,加上每張鈔票呈現的香港特色,寓意香港社會由不同的人和事 ...

  5. 可於世界各地之渣打銀行以及 Visa/Plus/Cirrus ATM 提款免手續費。. 優惠匯率的適用範圍,僅限於已實施優先理財貴賓匯率方案的國家。. 客戶將於跨國資金轉帳日起約七個營業日內,接獲費用之退還。. 手續費與電報費可予以免除,此外可能需收取其他費用 (如適用 ...

  6. Card Services – No more troubles in making card payments or checking your card balances and 360° Rewards Points with Standard Chartered Online Banking. Online Applications – You can now even open new accounts and apply for our insurance, loans and credit cards easily from home and at your own convenience! Personal Update – Keep us posted ...

  7. 成功登記將不能取消。如客戶提交多於一次登記,是次登記將取代以往記錄。請留意本行只會使用於推廣期內最後一次之登記 ...