雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. By calling us. Or if you prefer, you can speak to us over the phone instead. Existing HSBC Premier Elite clients. (852) 2233 3033. New clients. (852) 2233 3377. Lines are open 24/7, every day.

  2. With the full medical coverage [@fullcoverage] provided by our VHIS Flexi plan, you won’t have to worry about whether your plan would cover all your medical expenses. Add to that a claims paid ratio [@insurance-claims-paid-ratio-2022] of 97% on our VHIS plans, you can rest assured that you will receive all the support you need, when you need it.

  3. Our latest survey 1 showed that a whopping over 80% of Hongkongers have been the target of the 6 most common types of fraud occurring in the city: digital payment, romance and job scams, identity theft, official impersonations, and bogus calls.

  4. Title application-notes.pdf Author christinayung@hsbc.com.hk Keywords INTERNAL - Created Date 20191210034824Z

  5. 特定消費及網上繳費 [@vpexcludetax],即可賺取額外「獎賞錢」。. 尊享港幣2元=1里無上限日常簽賬回贈,體驗豐富旅遊禮遇。. 比較各款滙豐信用卡的精彩禮遇及迎新獎賞。. 購物、餐飲及旅程中以滙豐信用卡簽賬,賺取信用卡積分、里數等簽賬禮遇。. 網上申請 ...

  6. 您知道何謂綠色投資嗎?. 可持續投資能創造財富並保護地球。. 了解我們取代一次性PVC塑膠銀行卡的原因和相關計劃。. 環保生活可以為您節省能源開支。. 我們準備了不少貼士,助您減低能源消耗。. 您想過為氣候變化和社會議題出一分力嗎?. 憑藉可持續投資 ...

  7. 簡介 計劃要 要 要險 有分保單 註 單 締造美好生活的明智方案 「聚富入息保險計劃II」如何運作? 「聚富入息保險計劃II」(「本計劃」或「本保單」)是一份兼備儲蓄成分的長期保險。本計劃的目的是 讓您於10年的儲蓄期內累積儲蓄,您便可享有為期10年以每月保證年金金額 1形式收取的穩定收入,