雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年5月9日 · Eleven of the compound's buildings will open to the public on May 29. The former Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison, which are declared monuments, sit on the site, where a new art gallery and an auditorium building are also located. Mr Calnin said Tai Kwun will also solidify Hong Kong as an arts hub.

  2. 2019年5月7日 · This 18th edition of HOFEX sets another major milestone: it is the biggest in the fair's history. Event highlights include the Hong Kong International Culinary Classic, featuring 900 international chefs competing in a sweet, and savoury, range of categories. In the team events, there's butchery skills, high-tea and the gourmet team challenges.

  3. 2020年11月27日 · 民政事務局局長徐英偉表示,政府會成立跨政策局的專責小組,並把日後落成的東九文化中心發展成先進的藝術文化場地,推動藝術與創新科技融合。. 徐英偉今日在記者會上闡述施政報告內其政策範疇措施,新舉措之一是在東九文中心採用最新的舞台、影音 ...

  4. 2019年10月14日 · The Government today announced that Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage & Arts won the Award of Excellence of the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The award jury selected Tai Kwun as the winner from 57 submissions. It is another built heritage conservation ...

  5. 2019年3月9日 · 東區文化廣場今開幕. 2019年3月9日. 正式啟用: 林鄭月娥(左四)主持東區文化廣場開幕典禮。. 東區社區重點項目東區文化廣場開幕典禮今日在筲箕灣譚公廟道舉行,行政長官林鄭月娥主禮。. 林鄭月娥、署理民政事務局局長陳積志和多位嘉賓主持奠基石揭幕儀式 ...

  6. 2018年4月22日 · 發展局局長黃偉綸在網誌介紹「保育中環」項目The Murray酒店。酒店由前政府大樓美利大廈活化而成,改裝和設計時保留原有建築特色,今年1月試業。黃偉綸希望未來有更多活化歷史建築項目開放給市民使用,提高巿民生活質素和香港國際大都會的魅力。

  7. 2019年11月3日 · It is hard to miss the pipe organ when you are inside the Cultural Centre Concert Hall. With its four manuals, 93 stops and 8,000 pipes, it can produce an exceptional array of timbre and volume. “The pipe organ is the ‘pearl’ of a concert hall,” explained pipe organist Chiu Siu-ling. “Its enormous range of sounds, coupled with a huge ...