雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Table of Contents. 1.Undergo security screening after arrival. 2.Go to the departure terminal. 3.Connection procedure. 4.Points to note when connecting flights overnight. 5.Going outside the airport during your waiting time. 6.While waiting for your connecting flight.

  2. For passengers travelling to the airport during Golden Week. release date:2024-04-22. Please refrain from driving electric suitcases. update date:2024-04-16. Cancellations in Some Transport Timetables. This is the official Narita Airport website. It provides domestic and international flight information, airline information, access information ...

  3. 本規約係規定成田國際機場株式會社(下稱「本公司」)對航空公司之用戶在辦理登機手續(包括進入航空公司貴賓室)時所提供之有關本人身分確認、登機證確認服務「Face Express(臉部辨識快速通關)」(下稱「本服務」)之使用條件。 本網站使用Cookie

  4. Check flights for ZIPAIR Tokyo. Search for departing Flights Search for arriving Flights. * Flight schedules are subject to change without prior notice. For details of a change in schedule, please contact your airline. This page provides check-in information and contact information of ZIPAIR Tokyo at Narita Airport.

  5. Check flights for WestJet. Search for departing Flights Search for arriving Flights. * Flight schedules are subject to change without prior notice. For details of a change in schedule, please contact your airline. This page provides check-in information and contact information of WestJet at Narita Airport.

  6. 至今超過免稅額度者及有另行配送物品需求者外,未提出「隨身物品・另行配送物品申請書」者以口頭進行申報手續的形式,為防範恐怖攻擊因素,進行迅速且正確的通關手續,自平成19年7月起於日本入境(回國)的所有旅客,皆須提出「隨身物品・另行配送物品申請書」。

  7. 转机时必须接受安全检查的理由. 在日本机场转机时,原则上必须接受日本规定的安全检查才能进入出境管制区。. 在国外机场也是如此,即使在出发的机场已通过了安全检查,在进入下一个机场的出境管制区时,还是必须重新接受所在国家规定的安全检查。. 接 ...